Strategic development, formulating recommendations, solutions, and action plan structure for establishing the applicability of Articles 34 and 35 of Directive 2014/25/EU regarding procurements made by entities that operate in the water, energy, transport and postal services sectors and derogation from the provisions of the Directive 2004/17/EC, respectively the implementation of the procedure specified in Article 54 of Law 99/2016 on sectoral procurements

5 Mar

Strategic development, formulating recommendations, solutions, and action plan structure for establishing the applicability of Articles 34 and 35 of Directive 2014/25/EU regarding procurements made by entities that operate in the water, energy, transport and postal services sectors and derogation from the provisions of the Directive 2004/17/EC, respectively the implementation of the procedure specified in Article 54 of Law 99/2016 on sectoral procurements


Contracting Entity: Societatea Nationala “Nuclearelectrica” S.A. having its head office in 65 Polona Street, district 1, postal code 010494, Bucharest, Romania, tel. +4021.203.82.00, fax. +4021.316.94.00

is pleased to invite you to submit a proposal as follows:

  1. Contract object: Strategic development, formulating recommendations, solutions, and action plan structure for establishing the applicability of Articles 34 and 35 of Directive 2014/25/EU regarding procurements made by entities that operate in the water, energy, transport and postal services sectors and derogation from the provisions of the Directive 2004/17/EC, respectively the implementation of the procedure specified in Article 54 of Law 99/2016 on sectoral procurements.

CPV Code: General management consultancy services

  1. Applicable procedure: Direct Acquisition according to the provisions of art. 12 par. (4) of Law no. 99/2016 regarding sectoral procurement.
  2. Description of Services: as per attached Tender Book no. 2128/13.02.2020
  3. Duration of the contract (estimated): 6 months from the contract signing date
  4. Estimated value: 27,000 Euro no VAT included
  5. Deadline for submitting the proposal: 12.03.2020, 16:30 local hours
  6. The offers may be submitted as follows:
  • by e-mail at and/or
  • by post/courier: SN Nuclearelectrica S.A., 61 Polona Street, sector 1, Bucharest, postal code 010494
  1. The offers will be elaborated in Romanian or English
  2. The offer will include the following parts:
  • Qualification Documents:
    1. The economic operators shall fill in and submit the Statement regarding the non-compliance with the provisions of Art. 72 and 73 of Law no 99 (Form 1 herein attached). In case the economic operator is in one of the potentially conflict of interest situations, as described in art. 72 and art. 73 of Law 99/2016, his offer will be declined.
    2. The economic operators must demonstrate that they have experience in strategic consulting, business development, international development assistance, public diplomacy, government business development and European policies.
  • Technical proposal – will be described point by point the compliance with Tender Book requirements.

As part of the technical proposal, the economic operators will demonstrate, by submitting relevant documents, that they have a team composed of at least 3 consultants, as follows:

  • 2 consultants specialized in management and international development consulting with a minimum of 10 years general experience and experience in strategic consulting, business development, international development assistance, public diplomacy, governmental business development and European policies;
  • 1 coordinating consultant with a general experience of at least 10 years and experience in strategic consulting, business development, international development assistance, public diplomacy, governmental business development and European policies.

The consultants appointed to the team will have a solid knowledge of written/spoken English. In case some of the consultants are not of Romanian origin and are not English speakers, the Provider will provide an interpreter for translation, at his expense.

  • Financial proposalForm no. 2 herein attached shall be filled in. The offered price will include all the costs of providing the services.
  1. The applicable evaluation criteria: The lowest price
  2. Validity of tender: at least 60 days from the tender submission date
  3. Additional information: The Tender Book and the draft contract will be made available to interested economic operators, based on a written request, sent by e-mail at eionescu The deadline for submitting of requests is 10.03.2020, 16:30 local hours.


For more information you can contact us at tel: +40 21 82 82 – Elena Ionescu or e-mail adress


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