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Our long term development and the sustainability of our projects is strongly connected with the development, education, information and growth of the communities in which we are present and of the entire country as a whole.

We plan, we act and we report responsibly.

Sustainable Operation

Energy production for 2020

Clean energy

Since the commissioning of the two nuclear units in Cernavoda up to present, we have avoided the release into the atmosphere of

On an yearly basis, through the operation of Cernavoda NPP, we avoid the release into the atmosphere of

The annual average dose for the workers with registrable doses compared to the legal limit (20 mSv)

million CO2 tons
million CO2 tons

Environment monitoring program

Annualy, around 1200 probes from 115 locations are gathered and analysed in order to determine the radioactivity of the environment around Cernavoda NPP, measured on a daily basis. Environment conditions at Cernavoda NPP remain unchanged compared to the levels before the construction of the plant.

Nuclear waste management

The safe management of solid and solidifiable nuclear waste is ensured for the entire duration of the plant operation under nuclear safety conditions and optimum on site disposal.

Nuclear safety

Nuclear safety is the top priority at Cernavoda NPP. We operate responsibly on a daily basis, in compliance with solid nuclear safety principles. Since the commissioning of the two units at Cernavoda, no events or incidents occurred to threaten the safety of the personnel, population and environment.
Nuclear safety declaration

Non financial statement

The non-financial reporting is performed in compliance with EU Directive 2014/95/EU of the European Parliament and Council, on the basis of the non-financial reporting Guide (2017/C215/01) and contains non-financial information about the diversity of SNN activity useful and applicable by a nuclear power producer. The information is exemplified by KPIs in order to allow interested public to make relevant annual comparisons in relation with SNN policies, procedures and authorizations.

Sustainability Report 2021

Sustainability Report 2020

SNN and the youth

We pay a special attention to the acquisition, training and retention of our highly qualified workforce. Our long term vision: Determination for excellence. Action to achieve it.

We invite you to share it with us!

SNN scholarship program

Internship program

SNN and the community

We get involved in sustainable programs for the local community as well as in dedicated projects impacting a large number of people.

The social emergency program for the improvement of the living conditions in Cernavoda

Corporate social responsibility

Our business plans are tightly connected to the economic and social development of the communities in which we activate. Our mission is to educate youth, the raise the desire to stay and work in Romania, to increase the level of information of the general public through modernized schools, to ensure access to high quality medical care. And we deliver.

  • We invest in the physics and chemistry laboratories at schools
  • We invest in new facilities for the hospital in Cernavoda
  • We invest in recreation areas and playgrounds in Cernavoda


We get involved in dedicated projects in the field of education, public information, talent development, helping high risk categories. We try to have a significant contribution because only together we can truly improve live day by day.