Investing in education is very important for us, and we are seeking to contribute as much as possible in this field, both through the partnerships we have with educational institutions and NGOs, as well as through our own educational and training programs.
That is precisely why, as part of our value and Empathy and Responsibility strategic direction, in 2021 we are the partners of the partners of the Inspiraction Association in launching the online project “Creștem digital și vocațional” (“We grow digitally and vocationally”), addressed to pupils from Middle School No. 1 of Cernavodă. Through this educational project that we are investing the amount of RON 60,000 in, we want to support children in choosing their high school profile according to their personality, talents, values, abilities and interests, because choosing the high school and its profile is an essential step for a successful career.
Also, in order to contribute to the development of the generation of tomorrow, in 2021 we have a partnership with the Bookland Association for the organization of the Bookland Conferences. We are contributing with the amount of RON 50,000 for these conferences to reach as many young people as possible. The purpose of the Bookland Conferences is to introduce young people to the life and career stories of professionals, in order to motivate pupils to develop their knowledge and skills, to challenge and improve themselves, and to identify opportunities more easily.
Because we know how important it is for a student to make informed choices, we got involved, together with the Leaders Foundation in the “Ora de carieră” (“Career Class”) project, in order to help children discover their vocation and make the best decisions regarding their professional future. 45 high school students from Cernavodă, Bucharest and Pitești will take part in this project.