Maintaining of a constant high level of nuclear safety in all the phases of the commissioning and operation process of the nuclear installations is of vital importance to Nuclearelectrica.
The high level of nuclear safety is ensured by the way in which the nuclear installations are designed, built, commissioned and operated.
The document comprising the Nuclear Safety Policy elaborated by Nuclearelectrica and approved by the National Regulator in Romania, guarantees outstanding performances in all the major activities aimed at ensuring safety in the nuclear installations.
This document confirms that nuclear safety is prior to other activities such as production and investments deadlines.
Nuclear safety represents the assembly of technical and organization measures aimed at:
– Ensuring operation of the nuclear facilities under safety conditions
– Prevent and limit their decay
– Ensure personnel, population and environment protection against radiation.
The CANDU-6 nuclear safety policy is based on these targets and consists of the following principle:
In-depth Defense, which consists of achieving a high level of safety and technical performance, by designing a series of multiple physical barriers which prevent radioactive emissions to the environment (the nuclear fuel pellets, the sheath of the fuel element, the primary coolant circuit, the containment, the exclusion area).
The ALARA Principle, which has the purpose of ensuring personnel, population and environment protection by maintaining an appropriate protection against radiological risks.
The Separation and Grouping Principle. The grouping of safety systems in two main groups was implemented in the design of the power plant with the purpose of protecting the power plant against common cause events that could produce extensive damage in the plant at the same time.
The constant application of the principles included in this document ensured energy supply in good operating conditions and a high level of nuclear safety at Cernavoda NPP, at international standards.