The protection of the population and of the environment constitutes the main preoccupation for the management of SN Nuclearelectrica SA, taking into consideration the “in depth protection” principle applied at Cernavoda NPP.
In order to meet this target, it is of vital importance to us to maintain a constant high level in the nuclear safety policy in all the phases of commissioning and operation of the nuclear installations.
All the company’s activities with a potential environment impact have a prevention character and are carried out with respect to the authorizations issued by the competent environment authorities and to the ALARA (AS Low As Reasonable Achievable) principle. Thus, the required safety level is achieved for the nuclear power plant and for the nuclear fuel plant.
The annual average dose received by a member of the critical group, due to the radioactive emissions of Units 1 and 2 was 0,0058 mSv in 2019, while the annual average dose received by a member of the general public from the natural radiation background is of 2.4 mSv.