Nuclearelectrica and The Social Incubator Association launch the programme:
“Be Almost a Superhero” on the platform to promote career opportunities in the nuclear field
Bucharest, 14 December 2022: SN Nuclearelectrica SA, in partnership with The Social Incubator Association, through the online platform, is launching the “Be Almost a Superhero” career guidance programme. Young high school or university students who are about to choose their professional path now have the opportunity to discover the opportunities offered by a career in the nuclear field, on the page dedicated to this project on the platform.
Professionals employed at CNE Cernavodă, the nuclear power plant that generates 33% of the country’s clean electricity, and at FCN Pitești, the plant where the nuclear fuel used in the plant is produced, share their professional experience with young people through a series of inspirational videos, job-specific activities, skills and knowledge needed, studies and courses, universities and recommended faculties.
Nuclearelectrica is one of the largest employers in Romania. In 2021, the company hired around 500 specialists, of which 100 were recruited for the Cernavoda NPP Unit 1 Refurbishment Project. In 2022, Nuclearelectrica hired more than 400 new colleagues, and for 2023, the company plans to hire another 400 specialists.
Nucleus of excellence
Through this strategic partnership with SN Nuclearelectrica SA, the vocational counselling platform becomes a true nucleus of excellence and opportunities for young people in Romania who can thus start a successful career in nuclear energy.
“Pupils and students now have at their disposal a modern educational tool, which helps them to discover future jobs in the nuclear field and to take the first steps in a successful career with a top company, appreciated internationally. Few young people know that Units 1 and 2 at the Cernavodă NPP are ranked 1st and 3rd globally out of more than 440 nuclear units in terms of nuclear performance and safety, a source of pride and an opportunity to learn from the best. We also have projects to develop Romania’s nuclear programme that will be implemented in the next 8-10 years, and will double our capacity to produce clean energy from nuclear sources and create thousands of new jobs for the next 60 years. It is a great time for young people to start a career in the nuclear field and we expect them to be part of our core of excellence” – Cosmin Ghiță, CEO Nuclearelectrica SA.
“We want to help as many young people as possible from all over the country to start their professional career, and the partnership with SN Nuclearelectrica allows us to show them that they can perform in Romania too, they can become accomplished, recognized and respected professionals at home, if they train for this top field. Moreover, the digital format of the project facilitates access to information for young people from vulnerable or disadvantaged areas, who thus get an extra chance for professional achievement“, says Adriana Preda, Executive Director of The Social Incubator Association.
Inspiration and information for a successful career in nuclear energy
In the project, ten top nuclear energy professionals from Romania tell young people about their successful careers in SN Nuclearelectrica, advise them on their choice of educational path and tell them what they need for success in their future careers. Moreover, the young people are given all the necessary information on the nuclear sector, which is booming in Romania and internationally and is an extremely attractive field for young people.
Pupils and students will also learn more and will be able to ask their own questions about careers in the nuclear field during career guidance workshops held in physical and online format by vocational counsellors, professionals from SN Nuclearelectrica and surprise guests – experts, opinion formers and influencers.
The first such events have already taken place, with physical presence, in the Constanta High School of Energy and at Ovidius University, Faculty of Mechanical, Industrial and Maritime Engineering, where over 100 pupils and students discussed the choice of an educational and professional path with a focus on the opportunities offered in their field of study. They also learned about the online platform, where they can now also find information about the nuclear field.
The Bunincariera platform, developed by The Social Incubator Association in 2019, offers a multitude of practical solutions to various problems faced by young people at the beginning of their career path. From self-awareness and career guidance tests, online sessions to interpret the results of these tests, alongside accredited vocational counsellors, a library of future careers, to online sessions with mentors and a dedicated blog section, the Bunincarieră platform is the first solution launched for young people in Romania who want to turn their obstacles and questions into opportunities.
About Nuclearelectrica
The national company “Nuclearelectrica” S.A. is the Romanian national electricity, heat and nuclear fuel producing company, operating under the authority of the Ministry of Energy, with the state holding 82.49% of the shares and the other shareholders 17.50%, after the listing of the company on the Bucharest Stock Exchange in 2013. The CNE Cernavoda branch operates two CANDU nuclear units, which are two of the most efficient units out of more than 400 nuclear power plants in the world, a nuclear fuel plant, and is in the process of building an integrated fuel cycle by acquiring a uranium concentrate processing line to support the company’s long-term investment projects. Nuclearelectrica plays a major role at national level, contributing more than 18% of nuclear energy in total energy production and 33% of total CO2-free energy production in Romania.
Developed on simple and intuitive principles, the platform facilitates access to the resources young people need to know themselves better and find the right career early on. Once accessed, using the platform becomes an exciting and attractive experience for young people. A young person’s journey on the platform involves creating an account, completing vocational tests to discover their vocation and then scheduling and attending a counselling session. Mentoring sessions with an expert in their chosen field complement this, helping young people to make a plan of action and prepare for the right job. The platform also provides young people with an online library of video testimonials by professionals from all walks of life. The platform’s functionality is based on the expertise and information accumulated by The Social Incubator Association capitalizing on its 8 work history with over 20,000 young people. Profiles of young people in the target group were used along with career decisions made based on vocational test results, in conjunction with the duration and satisfaction associated with the chosen vocational decision.
About The Social Incubator Association
The Social Incubator Association is a non-governmental, non-profit organization founded in 2014 to support young people from disadvantaged backgrounds in Romania through direct, pragmatic and creative social interventions. The organization provides support for the socio-professional integration of institutionalized youth: free vocational training courses and internships, support in finding a legal job and support in finding subsidized housing. The association also develops concepts and launches social projects to facilitate the professional integration of people from disadvantaged backgrounds. In 8 years of existence, The Social Incubator’s impact consists of 50 projects implemented in 30 counties, 22,100 young people participating in the personal and professional development activities organised and 1,923 young people supported through counselling sessions in the process of social and professional integration at national level.