Selection procedure for Cernavoda NPP – Units 3 and 4

5 Oct

Selection procedure for Cernavoda NPP – Units 3 and 4

SN NUCLEARELECTRICA SA is seeking new investors to participate in the Project Company (EnergoNuclear) established in March 2009 for the purpose to develop, construct and operate Unit 3 and Unit 4 of the Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant. The new units shall use a CANDU 6 reactor with an installed capacity of at least 720MW each.  EnergoNuclear currently has 3 shareholders: SN Nuclearelectrica SA (84.65%), ArcelorMittal Galati SA (6.2%) and ENEL Investment Holding BV (9.15%). SN Nuclearelectrica SA intends to sell part of its current shareholding to eligible new investors.

The potential new investors can be utilities, large electricity consumers, energy wholesale and/or retailers, investment funds, financial and credit institutions (including banks) and, in general, any major company who fullfils the requirements contemplated in the selection procedure and express the interest to become new investors in the Project. The size of this Project and the quantum of funding required necessitate the need for financially strong investors who will be able to contribute the required equity.

The potential investors will be required to sign non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) prior to being provided more detailed financial and economic data regarding the Project. A Non-Disclosure Agreement form shall be  posted on S.N. Nuclearelectrica’s website The project  related documents, including the description of the selection process of the potential investors, will be available at S.N. Nuclearelectrica’s headquarters in Bucharest, 65 Polona Street, Sector 1, starting with October 6, 2011, during business days, against presentation by the potential investor of the signed non-disclosure agreement by duly authorised representatives of the potential investor.

The Binding Offers must be forwarded in hard copy to SN Nuclearelectrica’s headquarters in the attention of:


Mr. Pompiliu BUDULAN – Director General

In attention of Negotiation Commission for Cernavoda NPP Units 3 and 4

Societatea Nationala NUCLEARELECTRICA SA

Str. Polona, nr 65, Sector 1



Tel: 40 21 203 8258 / 40 21 203 8234

Fax: 40 21 316 2997

The most important deadlines are the following:

  • 5th of November, 2011 – Deadline for receiving requirements for clarification on the Documents. After receipt of the Documents, potential new interested investors will be given an opportunity to consider the contents and to clarify the Project structure, the form of the binding offers and the process for submission of binding offers.  All clarifications should be in writing and the responses will be made available to all potential interested new investors.
  • 14th of November, 2011 – Deadline for common answer to all received requirements for clarification
  • 15th of December, 2011 – Deadline for submission of Binding Offers

For additional information please contact:

Alexandru Havris

Manager, Development and Strategy Division

Phone: +4021 203 82 58 / 40 21 203 8234


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