Announcement on waiving the procedure for the selection of the Underwriter of the Initial Public Offering for the Sale of Shares issued by Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica S.A. Bucureşti

16 May

Announcement on waiving the procedure for the selection of the Underwriter of the Initial Public Offering for the Sale of Shares issued by Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica S.A. Bucureşti

Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica SA Bucharest, headquartered in Str. Polonă nr. 65, sector 1, Bucharest, Romania, postal code 010494, issued on April 2012, the announcement regarding the launch of the Initial Public Offering, representing 10%  of the Company’s existing share capital,  in compliance with Law no. 247/2005 on the reform of property and justice, as subsequently amended and supplemented, as well as some accompanying measures and with the Government Decision no. 39/2012 approving the strategy for the privatization of Societatea Naţionala Nuclearelectrica S.A. Bucureşti and the selection of the Underwriter authorized to underwrite this Initial Public Offering for the Sale of Shares, with May 21st 2012, 10 o’clock, as the deadline for offer submission.

Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica SA Bucharest announces waiving the procedure for the selection of the Underwriter of the Initial Public Offering for the Sale of Shares issued by Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica S.A. Bucharest, launched by the announcement dated April 12th, 2012.  

The decision to waive the ongoing procedure has been determined by the signals coming from financial service companies and credit institutions with respect to the special conditions required to forming partnerships to fulfill the role of the Underwriter authorized to underwrite the IPO for the Sale of Shares of a company activating in such a specific field.  

The Procedure will be re-launched as soon as possible, taking into account the need to respect the deadline agreed upon with the international organizations for the unfolding of the Initial Public Offer, namely the end of December 2012.

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