The established SNN Commission which has the main purpose of attracting new investors to Cernavoda NPP Units 3&4 Project gathered on the 15th of December 2011, at 10 am, at the Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment headquarters to discuss the project status.
The Commission analyzed the status of the project and concluded that in order to ensure the appropriate conditions for the further development of the project, it is necessary to extend the period in which the potential new investors, who already expressed their interest to invest in the project, may complete their binding offer, until 15th of March 2012.
SNN informs that, currently, the project company EnergoNuclear, together with its shareholders (SN Nuclearelectrica S.A., ArcelorMittal Galati and Enel), are carrying on activities related to the process of selecting the “turn-key” contractor of the project, preparing the nuclear safety and environmental documentation necessary to obtain licenses from the Romanian Regulatory Authority (CNCAN) and environmental related authorities and proving the economic and financial feasibility of the project.