Financial Indicators 2014 – 2019
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Sediul central:
- Contributia SNN in cadrul societatii de tip IPP pentru realizarea Unitatilor 3 si 4 – estimata la 8.920 mii lei (echivalent 2.000 mii euro), potrivit Hotararii AGEA SNN nr. 7/22.08.2014 de aprobare a strategiei de continuare a Proiectului Unitatile 3 si 4 de la CNE Cernavoda. Conditia prealabila esentiala o reprezinta aprobarea de catre AGEA a Documentelor Investitiei cu Investitorul Selectat – proces derulat de Comisia de Negociere si coordonat de Comisia Interministeriala pentru Proiectul U3 – U4, astfel ca aceasta contributie se va putea realiza dupa infiintarea companiei de proiect. Prin Hotararea AGEA SNN nr. 6/24.08.2017 s-a aprobat continuarea negocierilor asupra Documentelor Investitiei in aceleasi conditii din Memorandumul de Intelegere privind dezvoltarea, construirea, operarea si dezafectarea Unitatilor 3 si 4 de la CNE Cernavoda (“MoU”), pana la data de 24 februarie 2018. Avand in vedere perspectivele de continuare a negocierilor, contributia SNN la infiintarea noii societati de proiect va fi reportata pentru anul 2018.
- Capitalizare ELINI (European Liability Insurance for Nuclear Industry) – estimata la 5.352 mii lei (echivalent 1.200 mii euro), reprezentand contributia societatii in calitate de membru nou la Asociatia Mutuala Europeana de Asigurare Raspundere Civila pentru Daune Nucleare („ELINI”), cu scopul de a beneficia de avantajele asociatiei; aprobarea aderarii la ELINI este de competenta AGEA SNN si este estimata a se realiza efectiv in anul 2018.
- Consolidare Sediu Magheru estimata la 2.100 mii lei – in anul 2016 a fost deschisa cartea funciara pentru cele doua unitati indivize (etajul 5 si etajul 6) si a fost intabulat terenul aferent ce revine SNN in suprafata de 239,05 mp. Investitia efectiva nu a fost initiata pana la sfarsitul anului 2017, intrucat proprietarul majoritar (Transelectrica S.A.) nu a demarat inca operatiunile de consolidare.
Main investment projects for 2019:
- “Planned outage of Unit 2 CNE Cernavoda (regular general inspections and capital repairs”: budgeted 79,628 thousand RON – the value degree of implementation as of December 31, 2019 is 99%.
- “Burnt fuel intermediary storage”: budgeted 12,925 thousand lei – the value achievement degree as of December 31, 2019, 98 is 98%. Module 10 was completed and received in July 2019, but for Module 11 the completion deadline was revised for March 2020.
- “Modernization and expansion of the physical security system”: budget 19,736 thousand lei – the achievement value degree on December 31, 2019 is 53%. Physical protection works priority 2, stage 1 of completing the physical protection system of Cernavoda NPP are in progress, and the completion of the works has been postponed for April 2020.
- “Improving the CNE Cernavoda response, respectively the nuclear security functions in case of events outside the design bases following the nuclear accident occurred at the Fukushima 1 nuclear plant, Japan”: budget 31,270 thousand lei – achievement value degree as of December 31, 2019 is 56%. Within the objective of changing the destination of the existing constructions on the site of Unit 5, it was decided to terminate the contract for works and services, with the contract termination notice being served on August 30, 2019.
- “Extending the life cycle of unit 1 by re-tubing the reactor and refurbishing the main systems (studies)”: budget 3,665 thousand RON – the accomplishment degree value-wise as of December 31, 2019 is of 17%. In 2019 the following procedures were completed: the purchase procedure on assessing the state of the structures of systems and components of Unit 1 (Condition Assessment), and the contract was signed with the association between CANDU Energy and Ansaldo Nucleare on October 18, 2019, and the purchase procedure for “Integrated engineering services in relation to extending the lifecycle up to 245,000 EFPH”, and the contract was signed with CANDU Energy Inc. The contest for solutions on implementing the technical solution for replacing fuel channels, calandria tubes and feeders (ICCTCF) was completed, and the winner of the contest was Candu Energy. Also, at the end of 2019, the procurement procedure for “Engineering services for drafting a preliminary technical study and a Feasibility Study on Managing Radioactive Waste generated during the refurbishment of Unit 1, and during the operation of the two units after refurbishing Unit 1” was in the final granting stage, and the contract will be signed in 2020. –
- “Fittings”, representing procurements of goods and other investment expenses: budgeted at RON 70,999 thousand – the value degree of implementation as of December 31, 2019 is 75%.
Main investment projects for 2018:
- Intermediary used fuel storage – DICA (including SICA Unit 2) : budgeted 14,177 thousand RON – the implementation value degree as of December 31, 2018 is 60.8%. In 2018, the construction and assembly works were completed, and the reception was performed upon the completion of the works for Module 9 DICA and the physical protection works related to Module 8. For Modules 10 and 11 type Macstor 200, the company obtained the building permit, and the building and assembly works have started.
- Modernization and expansion of the physical security system : budget 16,600 thousand RON – the implementation value degree as of December 31, 2018 is 49.3%. Delays were reported in the contract schedule mainly caused by the delayed issuance of prior authorizations and the revision of the economic estimates. Physical protection works priority 2, stage 1 of completing the physical protection system of Cernavoda NPP are in progress. The unaffected value in 2018 shall provided in the 2019 budget.
- Improvement of the response of NPP Cernavoda, namely of the nuclear security functions in case of events outside the design bases following the nuclear accident occurred at the Fukushima 1 nuclear plant, Japan”: budgeted 26,241 thousand RON – implementation value degree as of December 31, 2018 is 33.3%. Within the objective of changing the destination of the existing buildings on the premises of Unit 5, the company completed the technical and economic documentation for the design activities and signed addendum 5 to the contract after the completion of the project and the approval of the economic documentation by Cernavoda NPP. This process accumulated delays caused by the duration of the iterative process of approving the design documentation.
- Extension of the life cycle of Unit 1 by re-tubing the reactor and refurbishing the main systems (studies) : budgeted 10,373 thousand RON – the implementation value degree as of December 31, 2018 is 23.9%. SNN became an affiliate of Candu Owners Group (COG) within the IMSP (Integrated Material Surveillance Program) Project for acquiring the necessary data for drafting the studies regarding the fuel channel. The expenses incurred until December 31, 2018 mostly represent the cost of SNN joining the program implemented by COG, and in 2019 the analysis result report shall be received. The delays were caused by the necessity of recalibrating the strategy and the initial technical requirements, on which the budget value sizing was based (implementation of the market consultation process, implementation of the modifications resulted in the procurement specifications, the iterative process with ANAP regarding the qualification criteria of the potential suppliers and the assessment factors.
- Modernization of the communication infrastructure, fitting the data center according to the TIA 942-1 standard and the implementation of measures for reducing the information security risk : budgeted 2,170 thousand RON – until December 31, 2018 the first stage of the procurement procedure was initiated – data center fitting, structured cabling and communication infrastructure. The assignment report of November 2018 appointed the winner, but an appeal was submitted in December 2018, whose resolution term is January 2019.
CNE Cernavoda:
Referitor la programul de investitii al CNE Cernavoda mentionam ca, in cursul anului 2017, au fost derulate 39 de proiecte de investitii. Din acestea s-au derulat conform graficului de executie o serie de lucrari importante cum ar fi:
- Instalarea unui ventilator de rezerva pe sistemul de abur etansare labirinti turbina la U2 – 134 mii lei;
- Imbunatatirea sistemului de abur viu al U1 prin inlocuirea vanelor de descarcare abur in atmosfera (ASDV) cu un alt tip de vane – MPA 581 – 134 mii lei;
- Instalare porti de acces in zona camerei de admisie apa de alimentare/preincalzitor – 3.550 mii lei;
- Amenajarea centrului suport de interventie la simulator – 76 mii lei;
- Retehnologizarea sistemului de curatare cu bile a condensatorului U1 – 173 mii lei;
- Echiparea transformatoarelor 1-5144-T03/T04 si 1-5134-T05/T06 cu sistem de prevenire a exploziei si incendiului – 329 mii lei.
FCN Pitesti:
- Modernizarea liniei de fabricatie fascicule combustibile in vederea optimizarii fluxului de fabricatie si a imbunatatirii calitatii produsului finit – in valoare de 728 mii lei. In luna august 2017 s-a receptionat echipamentul Miniautoclava. In cadrul procedurii de achizitie pentru Sisteme automate de prelevare izocinetica a emisiilor de pulberi si gaze din cosurile de dispersie (proiectare si executie), socumentatia a fost depusa al SNN si s-au formulat observatii care urmeaza a fi implementate in anul 2018.
- Modernizare infrastructura de comunicatie, amenajarea centrului de date in conformitate cu standardul TIA 942-1 si implementarea de masuri de reducere a riscului de securitate a informatiei (Proiect de securizare sistem informatic si securizare comunicatii) – in valoare de 900 mii lei, realizarea acestei investitii este conditionata de demararea proiectului de investitii la nivel Sediului Central Modernizarea si integrarea fluxului informational la nivel SNN, prevazut a se demara incepand cu anul 2018.
- Sistem informatic integrat pentru managementul productiei de combustibil nuclear (SIMP) – in valoare de 300 mii lei, in cursul anului 2016 a fost revizuit si avizat studiul de fezabilitate aferent investitiei. Executia proiectului a fost amanata pentru anul 2018.
- Realizarea si implementarea de aplicatii informatice care sa completeze sistemul ERP existent in FCN (achizitii, bugete, contracte) a fost amanata pentru anul 2018, fiind o achizitie comuna FCN-CNE-SNN.
- In luna noiembrie 2017 a fost semnat contractul pentru Lucrari de hidroizolatii la cladirile FCN, dar in decembrie s-a solicitat si s-a aprobat prin act aditional la contract, amanarea inceperii lucrarilor din cauza conditiilor meteo nefavorabile.
Dintre investitiile finalizate in anul 2017 mentionam: reparatie capitala cuptor sinterizare Harper 2, reparatie capitala presa Feitool, instalatia de grafitare si instalatia de sudare dop-grila, pentru care la sfarsitul anului 2017 se desfasurau probele de punere in functiune.
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