The SNN RSC policy has the purpose of establishing the strategic orientation and primary directions of the company’s involvement in philanthropic, charitable and humanitarian actions for the benefit of the communities nearby nuclear objectives operated by SNN (Cernavoda, Pitesti) and also at a national level. SNN considers that the company’s constant development and its projects’ sustainability for long-term development are strongly connected with the development, education, information, acceptance and public support of nuclear energy in Romania. Therefore, the investment of a share of SNN’s annual profit in RSC actions represents a part of the company’s development strategy for 2015-2025.
RSC objectives:
- Creation and support of a sustainable business model, with responsible management and global policies adapted to local issues;
- The increase of the trust level and support for SNN’s business model;
- Response to the community’s real issues;
- Initiating the change we wish to see in the Romanian society;
- Developing relations with the local community, NGOs, opinion leaders;
- Attracting young specialists;
- Increasing the acceptance level for the use of nuclear energy in Romania and for the SNN investment projects;
- Being in line with the international standards and RSC good practice, performed by the companies;
SNN is developing both its own RSC plans and is also involved in supporting the initiatives of non-profit organizations in fields with a social impact, such as: education and research, humanitarian and cultural fields.
The main directions of the RSC actions, according to the SNN activity, are:
- Actions dedicated mainly to students in the nuclear, energetic, technical fields and to young people in general, like courses, contests, creation and invention exhibits, etc;
- Actions dedicated to the development of local communities in the areas of Cernavoda and Pitesti, to the improvement of the way of living, access to quality medical services, helping the under-privileged population, providing opportunities for education, youth capability development, increasing the number and quality of green areas, etc;
- Active participation in certain organizations promoting sustainable public policies in the economic, energetic, social, cultural field, like professional associations, institutes, resource centers, etc.;
- Cultural and educational actions for an easier access to culture and personal development, supporting creativity and artistic manifestation, etc
- Humanitarian actions destined to help segments of population affected by natural disasters or individual cases of people with disabilities through associations in this field, dedicated actions, especially for elders and children
Social responsibility, regardless of the nature of its implementation, is part of the company’s vision and strategy and we shall continue to support both the local community and the initiatives leading to innovation and continuous development, especially those of young people.
Employees empowerment and involvement in the RSC programs give work a macro-social dimension, a sense of value and visible results shared with others.
By its actions, SNN wishes to attend the real community issues, to contribute in changing it for the better, a change the Romanian society needs for chance equality, for increasing the standard of living and accessing resources and last but not least, for the growth of the next generation.