Press release
Reconnection of Cernavoda NPP Unit 1 to the National Power System
Bucharest, August 31, 2022
SN Nuclearelectrica SA informs that Cernavoda NPP Unit 1 was reconnected to the National Power System on August 31, 2022 after the completion of the repair works of the filtration system.
Cernavoda NPP Unit 1 was shutdown in a controlled manner in the afternoon of August 26, 2022 in order to carry out repair works of the filtration system of the aspiration pool, the classical part of the power plant. The repair works could only have been done with Unit 1 in a shutdown state.
The controlled shutdown and the completion of the repair works were done in compliance with Cernavoda NPP specific procedures applicable in such situations and had no impact on personnel, nuclear safety, environment and population.
Cosmin Ghita
Chief Executive Officer