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11 Mar



SOCIETATEA NATIONALA NUCLEARELECTRICA S.A. (“SNN”) is the sole nuclear power producer as well as the only manufacturer of CANDU 6-type nuclear fuel in Romania. SNN is a national company incorporated in 1998 currently having the following shareholder structure: the Romanian State represented by the Ministry of Energy (82.4981%) and other individuals and legal persons (17.5019%). SNN is listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange since 2013.

The company has the registered office in Bucharest and has two subsidiaries:

Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant Subsidiary operating Units 1 and 2 producing electrical and thermal energy. Units 1 and 2 are CANDU-type units (CANada Deuterium Uranium) with an installed capacity of about 700 MWe each, using natural uranium as fuel and heavy water as moderator and cooling agent.

Pitesti Nuclear Fuel Plant Subsidiary is a qualified manufacturer of CANDU 6 type nuclear fuel and fully covers the operating necessities of Units 1 and 2 of Cernavoda NPP.

With two operating units, SNN SA ensures approximately 20% of the domestic consumption of Romania.

The nuclear fuel necessary for the operation of Units 1 and 2 of Cernavoda NPP is manufactured within the Nuclear Fuel Plant Subsidiary (FCN) Pitesti.

In the aforementioned context, SNN is launching by present Notice of intent an evaluation process to select potential suppliers of Zircaloy-4 semi-finished products in the form of: round bar, flat strip (sheet) and rectangular wire.

In cadrul procesului de evaluare si selectie vor avea posibilitatea sa participe toti potentialii furnizori de semifabricate din Zircaloy-4, daca sunt interesati sa participe la procedurile de achizitie sectoriala initiate de SNN in baza Legii 99/2016.




1) Evaluarea si selectia potentialilor furnizori se realizeaza in conformitate cu prevederile Legii nr. 111/1996 privind desfasurarea in siguranta, reglementarea, autorizarea si controlul activitatilor nucleare republicata, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare si a Normei CNCAN NMC-07, clasa de aplicare gradata a sistemului de management al calitatii 3 sau Standard CSA N299.3-19 sau alt standard echivalent recunoscut de autoritatea contractantă.


2) Semifabricatele din Zy-4 trebuie sa indeplineasca cerintele tehnice din Specificatiile de Procurare:

– S.P. 2.01, editia 3 “Bara din Zircaloy-4 pentru componentele combustibilului nuclear”;

– S.P. 2.02, editia 12 “Banda plana din Zircaloy-4 pentru componentele combustibilului nuclear”;

– S.P. 2.10, editia 3 “Sarma rectangulara de Zy-4 pentru componente nucleare”.


3) Activitatile ce se vor desfasura in cadrul procesului de evaluare si selectie a potentialilor furnizori de semifabricate din Zircaloy-4 sunt descrise in documentul Planificarea acțiunilor de calificare inițială, cod DDESM-471/09.03.2022.


4) In vederea evaluarii si selectiei ofertantilor, acestia vor transmite la sediul SNN Sucursala FCN Pitesti (Strada Campului nr. 1, Mioveni, jud. Arges, Romania) probe ale produsului ofertat.    Cantitatea minima transmisa pentru efectuarea testelor si analizelor pentru fiecare reper (semifabricat) va fi:


– Bara din Zy-4 = minimum 2 bare, însoţite de buletine de control şi testare care sa ateste conformitatea cu cerinţele din S.P.-2.01 ediţia 3;


– Bandă plană (tablă) din Zy-4, grosime 0,83 mm

= minimum 1 kg, insotita de buletine de control şi testare care să ateste conformitatea cu cerinţele din S.P.-2.02 ediţia 12;


– Bandă plană (tablă) din Zy-4, grosime 1,60 mm = minimum 4 kg, insotita de buletine de control şi testare care să ateste conformitatea cu cerinţele din S.P.-2.02 ediţia 12;


– Bandă plană (tablă) din Zy-4, grosime 1,98 mm = minimum 1 kg, insotita de buletine de control şi testare care să ateste conformitatea cu cerinţele din S.P.-2.02 ediţia 12;


– Sarma rectangulara = minimum 5 kg de sârmă rectangulară, insotita de buletine de control şi testare care să ateste conformitatea cu cerinţele din S.P.-2.10 ediţia 3;


Cantitatile de mai sus vor fi cu titlu gratuit.


5) Testarea probelor de produs transmise în vederea evaluarii se va efectua de către SNN SA, Sucursala FCN Pitesti, la sediul acesteia.

Durata estimata a evaluarii este de maximum 30 de zile calendaristice de la sosirea probei la sediul SNN, Sucursala FCN Pitesti, Strada Campului nr. 1, Mioveni, jud. Arges, Romania.


6) Cantitatea de la pct. 4 de mai sus va fi livrata in conditiile de livrare DDP SNN SA, Sucursala FCN Pitesti, Arges, Romania, conform INCOTERMS 2020.

Furnizorii vor avea obligatia sa suporte toate costurile asociate transportului, asigurarii, obtinerii autorizatiei de export/ transfer intracomunitar (dupa caz) etc., iar SNN va suporta costurile obtinerii autorizatiei de import si a celor asociate testarii probelor de produse.


7) Probele vor fi însoțite de următoarele documente:

a. Buletine de control care sa demonstreze conformitatea produsului cu cerințele din Specificatia de Procurare aferenta produsului;

b. Autorizație de export/ transfer intracomunitar (după caz) eliberata de organismul de reglementare din tara de rezidenta a furnizorului;

c. Datele privind identitatea probei, după cum urmează:

– Numele fabricantului;

– Tara de origine a materialului;

– Tipul materialului si dimensiunea nominala;

– Numărul lotului si lingoului din care provine;

– Masa bruta si masa neta;

– Data ambalării.


d. Fișa cu date de securitate conform regulamentului (CE) nr. 1907/2006 (REACH); dacă FDS nu conține numărul de înregistrare REACH, furnizorul va transmite o declarație pe propria raspundere în care va menționa motivul pentru care produsul nu a fost înregistrat.


8) Furnizorul va transmite la SNN, Sucursala FCN Pitesti:

a. Formularul AC-295C „Raport de prezentare furnizor”, completat şi semnat de către fabricantul declarat;

b) Declarația fabricantului prin care acesta acceptă acțiunile care urmează să fie întreprinse în vederea evaluării si selectiei ca posibil furnizor de semifabricate din Zy-4 pentru SNN;

c) Manualul de Asigurarea Calitatii/ Manualul Calitatii si Planul de Control de Calitate, Verificari si Incercari/ Planul Calitatii elaborate de fabricantul declarat al produselor.


9) Operațiile de ambalare, marcare, etichetare, manipulare, depozitare, transport, intră în sarcina furnizorului şi trebuie să asigure respectarea cerințelor naționale şi internaționale in conformitate cu prevederile Legii nr. 111/1996 si Normelor de garantii nucleare NGN-01, NGN-02, NGN-03.


10) Cerinte de administrare:

a) SNN, Sucursala FCN Pitesti va pune la dispoziția potentialului furnizor, in maximum 5 zile lucrătoare de la solicitare, toate documentele legale necesare pentru obținerea autorizatiei de export / transfer intracomunitar (dupa caz) si a altor licențe/autorizații/aprobări necesare;

b) Furnizorul va pune la dispoziția SNN, Sucursala FCN Pitești, cu minimum 40 de zile înainte de livrarea probelor, cel puțin următoarele informații/ documente necesare pentru obținerea autorizației de import/ transfer intracomunitar (după caz) si a altor licențe/ autorizații/ aprobări necesare:

1˚. Date privind producătorul materialului;

2˚. Tara de origine a materialului;

3˚. Numele si adresa furnizorului;

4˚. Date privind modul de efectuare a transportului de la producător la SNN Sucursala FCN Pitesti (ex.: terestru-maritim/aerian-terestru etc.);

5˚. Date privind materialul transportat: denumire, tip, numarul lingoului/ lotului de material, date privind cantitatea de material (masa bruta/ masa neta – in kg cu o zecimala);

c) Furnizorul va pune la dispoziția SNN, Sucursala FCN Pitesti, in maximum 5 zile lucrătoare de la solicitare, alte informații/ documente decât cele prevăzute la pct. 10) b) de mai sus, daca vor fi necesare in scopul obtinerii de catre SNN a autorizației de import/ transfer intracomunitar (după caz) si a altor licențe/ autorizații/ aprobări de la autoritatile de reglementare din Romania.


Toate documentele si informatiile necesare participarii la etapa de evaluare vor fi puse, fara costuri, la dispozitia furnizorilor care isi vor exprima interesul. Solicitarea in acest sens se va transmite la;;


During the process of evaluation and selection all suppliers of Zircaloy-4 semi-finished products shall have the possibility to participate, if interested, to participate in the acquisition procedures that will be launched by SNN in accordance with the provisions of Law 99/2016.




1) The evaluation and selection of potential suppliers is carried out in accordance with provisions of Law no. 111/1996 on the safe deployment, regulation, authorization and control of nuclear activities, republished, with all subsequent amendments and completions and of the CNCAN Norm NMC-07, graded approach to the application of quality management system class 3 or CSA Standard N299.3-19 or other equivalent standard recognized by the contracting authority.


2) Zircaloy-4 semi-finished products must comply with the technical requirements of the Procurement Specifications:

– S.P. 2.01, 3rd issue  “Zircaloy-4 bar for nuclear fuel components”;

– S.P. 2.02, 12th issue “Zircaloy-4 flat strip for nuclear fuel components”;

– S.P. 2.10, 3rd issue “Zy-4 rectangular wire for nuclear components”.


3) The activities that will take place in the process of evaluation and selection of potential suppliers of Zircaloy-4 semi-finished products are described in the document code DDESM-471/09.03.2022 Planning of initial qualification actions.


4) For the process of evaluation of potential suppliers, they will send to SNN FCN Pitesti Subsidiary (no. 1 Campului Street, Mioveni, Arges, Romania) samples of the product offered. The minimum quantity submitted for testing and analysis for each product type (semi-finished product) will be:


– Zy-4 round bar = minimum 2 bars, accompanied by inspection and test bulletins attesting compliance with the requirements of S.P.-2.01 3rd issue;


– Zy-4 Flat strip (sheet), thickness 0.83 mm = minimum 1 kg, accompanied by inspection and test bulletins attesting compliance with the requirements of S.P.-2.02 12th issue;


– Zy-4 Flat strip (sheet), thickness 1.60 mm = minimum 4 kg, accompanied by inspection and test bulletins attesting compliance with the requirements of S.P.-2.02 12th issue;


– Zy-4 Flat strip (sheet), thickness 1.98 mm = minimum 1 kg, accompanied by inspection and test bulletins attesting compliance with the requirements of S.P.-2.02 12th issue;


– Zy-4 rectangular wire = minimum 5 kg of rectangular wire, accompanied by inspection and test bulletins attesting compliance with the requirements of S.P.-2.10 3rd issue;


The above quantities will be free of charge.


5) Testing of product samples submitted for evaluation shall be performed by SNN SA, FCN Pitesti Subsidiary, on its own premises.

The estimated period for evaluation is of maximum 30 calendar days since the arrival of the sample at SNN, FCN Pitesti Subsidiary, no. 1 Campului Street, Mioveni, Arges, Romania.


6) The quantity mentioned at item 4 above shall be delivered with DDP delivery conditions to SNN SA, FCN Pitesti Subsidiary, Arges, Romania, according to INCOTERMS 2020.

The suppliers shall undertake to bear all costs associated to the transportation, insurance, obtaining the export license/ intra-Community transfer license (as applicable) etc., and SNN shall bear the cost for obtaining the import authorization and costs of the testing products samples.


7)  Samples will be accompanied by the following documents:

a. Inspection bulletins to prove the compliance of the sample with the requirements of Procurement Specification for the product;

b. Export/ intra-Community transfer license (where appropriate) issued by the regulatory body of the country of origin of the supplier;

c.  Information regarding the identity of the sample, as follows:

– Name of manufacturer;

– Country of origin of the material;

– Material type and nominal size;

– The number of the batch and the ingot from which it comes;

– Gross weight and net weight;

– Date of packing.

d. Material Safety Data Sheet according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH); if the MSDS does not contain the REACH registration number, the Supplier will send a statement on his own responsibility in which will mention the reason for which the product was not registered.


8) The supplier will send to SNN SA, FCN Pitesti Subsidiary:

a) Form code AC-295C “Supplier presentation report” completed and signed by the declared manufacturer;

b) The manufacturer’s declaration accepting the actions to be taken in order to evaluate and select as a possible supplier of semi-finished products from Zy-4 for SNN;

c) Quality Assurance Manual / Quality Manual and Quality Control Plan, Inspection and Tests / Quality Plan developed by the declared manufacturer of the products.


9) Packing, marking, labelling, handling, storage and transportation operations are the responsibility of the supplier and must ensure compliance with the applicable national and international requirements, in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 111/1996 and Norms of nuclear guarantees NGN-01, NGN-02, NGN-03.


10) Administration requirements:

a) SNN, FCN Pitesti Subsidiary will make available to the potential supplier, within a maximum of 5 working days from the request, all legal documents necessary to obtain the export license/ intra-Community transfer license (as applicable) and other necessary licenses/ authorizations/ approvals;

b) The supplier shall make available to SNN, FCN Pitesti Subsidiary, at least 40 days before samples delivery, at least the following information/ documents required to obtain the import/ intra-Community transfer license (as applicable) and other necessary licenses/ authorizations/ approvals:


1˚. Material manufacturer data;

2˚. Country of origin of the material;

3˚  Supplier’s name and address;

4˚ Data on how the transport from producer to SNN FCN Pitesti Subsidiary will be performed (e.g.: land-sea/ air-land etc.);


5˚. Data regarding the transported material: description, type, ingot / batch number of material, data on the quantity of material (gross weight/ net weight – in kg to one decimal place);

c) The supplier will make available to SNN, FCN Pitesti Subsidiary, within a maximum of 5 working days from the request, other information/ documents than those provided above in Section 10) point b), if they are necessary for obtaining by SNN of the import/ intra-Community transfer license (as applicable) and other necessary licenses/ authorizations/ approvals from the Romanian competent authorities.


All necessary documents and information for participating to the evaluation phase shall be provided, free of charge, for the interested suppliers. The request in this respect shall be sent to;;



Considering the abovementioned, SOCIETATEA NATIONALA NUCLEARELECTRICA SA invites all those interested to participate in the process of evaluation to select potential suppliers of Zircaloy-4 semi-finished products: round bar, flat strip (sheet) and rectangular wire, to send a Letter of Interest to the address:

Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica SA – Nuclear Fuel Plant Subsidiary, no. 1 Campului Street, Mioveni, Arges County, Romania phone +40248207700, Fax +40248262499,;

The clarification requests shall be sent to the addresses:;;

The validity of this Notice of intent is until 2024.12.31.

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