
18 Sep


Covening notice of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders dated 24.10.2019

The Regulation regarding the organization and unfolding of the General Meetings of Shareholders updated in December 2018 through the BoD Decision no. 231/18.12.2018


The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

Item 2: The approval of the first semester report of the Board of Directors of SN Nuclearelectrica SA for the period January 1 – June 30, 2019

Item 3: The approval of the “Long-term strategy for developing the dry fuel intermediate storage and authorization in view of extending the life of Units 1 and 2 harmonized with the observations of CNCAN and the Ministry of the Environment” (IR-35370-006, rev. # 6).

Item 4: Information regarding the formulation and transmission to the Ministry of Energy (the representative of the sole shareholder of the National Company of Uranium S.A., the Romanian State) of a non-binding offer for a potential takeover, by S.N. Nuclearelectrica S.A., as the buyer, of the uranium oxide processing line from the National Company of Uranium S.A. – Feldioara Subsidiary

Item 5: Information regarding the measure ordered by the Court of Accounts at point II.11 of Decision no. 5 / 06.28.2018

Item 6: Information on the transactions concluded by the directors or the managers, with employees, with shareholders holding the control over the company or a company controlled by them, pursuant to art. 52, par. (3) letter a) of OUG [Government Emergency Ordinance] 109/2011, as subsequently amended and supplemented, during the period 01.05.2019 – 01.07.2019

Item 7: Information on the transactions concluded by the directors or the managers, with employees, with shareholders holding the control over the company or a company controlled by them, pursuant to art. 52, par. (3) letter b) of OUG no. 109/2011, as subsequently amended and supplemented, during the period 05.2019 – 01.07.2019.

General powers of attorney

General power of attorney for individual shareholders OGMS-click here

General power of attorney for legal persons shareholders OGMS-click here

Special powers of attorney

Special power of attorney for individual shareholders OGMS-click here

Special power of attorney for legal persons shareholders OGMS-click here


Correspondence ballots

Correspondence ballots for individual shareholders OGMS-click here

Correspondence ballots for legal persons shareholders OGMS-click here


Resolution Draft

OGMS Resolution Draft



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