Pitesti Nuclear Fuel Plant manufactured the fuel bundle no. 160,000

9 Nov

Pitesti Nuclear Fuel Plant manufactured the fuel bundle no. 160,000

Press release



SN Nuclearelectrica SA informs that today, 07.11.2016, its branch, Fabrica de Combustibil Nuclear Pitesti, manufactured the fuel bundle no. 160,000.

The CANDU type nuclear fuel production started in 1980, by operating the pilot station as fuel station within the Nuclear Research Institute (ICN) Pitesti. The separation of Fabrica de Combustibil Nuclear as a distinct entity was made in 1992.

In the 24 years since receiving the authorization for the nuclear fuel provider for Candu 6 type reactors from AECL and Zircatec Precision Industries Inc. Canada, Fabrica de Combustibil Nuclear registered an error rate of the fuel bundles much under the minimum limit accepted by the System Design Authority CANDU (AECL), fact confirmed by the operating data and production of CNE Cernavoda, the direct beneficiary of the FCN Pitesti production.

By burning the 160,000 nuclear fuel bundles will be produced an electrical energy amount of 178,4 TWh.

The same amount of electrical energy can be obtained in the classic units by burning 355 million tons of brown coal, 177.6 million tons of energetic pit coal or 50.7 million tons of black oil.

Products and services provided by FCN comply with the quality conditions requested by the client, according to the production requirements of the environment, of nuclear safety and labor health and security.

Through the nuclear fuel produced at FCN Piteşti and used in the two units from Cernavodǎ, SN Nucleaelectrica SA provides 20% of the total amount of electricity for the entire country.


Daniela Lulache

General Manager

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