Changes in the management of Cernavoda NPP Branch following the completion of the investigation of the National Anticorruption Directorate
SNN informs its investors and shareholders that the National Anticorruption Directorate has initiated penal action against 5 persons within Cernavoda NPP Subsidiary and has subjected to a 60-day period of judicial control the Manager and the Economic Manager of Cernavoda NPP.
The National Anticorruption Directorate has envisaged actions or inactions regarding the awarding of a framework-agreement of physical protection and monitoring services of Cernavoda NPP concluded in 2008, the conclusions of the investigation referring to the eluding of the public procurement specific legislation and also of the special legislation in the field of concluding and unfolding of contracts that require special authorizations on behalf of the National Registry Office for Classified Information (ORNISS).
In this context, on 19.02.2016, the management of SNN has decided to suspend from their positions both the Manager and the Economic Manager of Cernavoda NPP throughout the judicial control period.
As it concerns the other persons against whom the penal action has been initiated, SNN will act in compliance with the Labor Law.
In order to ensure the continuity of activities, the management o SNN has decided that Mr. Marian Serban, Manager of Cernavoda NPP, overtakes the position of Cernavoda NPP Subsidiary Manager and Mrs. Titina Holobiuc overtakes the position of Economic Manager within Cernavoda NPP Subsidiary.
Marian Serban occupied thus far the Cernavoda NPP Plant Manager position, coordinating the production and technical divisions and the workings control, radioprotection, nuclear safety and monitoring departments for both units of Cernavoda NPP. Marian Serban has more than 30 years of experience in the nuclear industry, having occupied management positions during the commissioning of both nuclear units of Cernavoda NPP. He is a graduate of the Technological Physics Faculty and has a PhD in Industrial Engineering.
Titina Holobiuc is an economist and has 31 years of experience in the financial-accounting field, corroborated with the nuclear industry specific. She is a graduate of the Academy of Economic Studies, Faculty of Finance and Accounting.
The facts concluded by the National Anticorruption Directorate have not affected, nor they will affect in any way the nuclear safety and operation of the nuclear power plant and/or all other support functions relating to the core activity, the company unfolding its activity based on its assumed objectives.
Daniela Lulache