Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica SA anunta repornirea Unitatii 1 CNE Cernavoda si reconectarea la Sistemul Energetic National astazi, 17 iulie 2012. Unitatea 1 a fost oprita
Societatea Naţională Nuclearelectrica SA anunţă oprirea, în mod controlat, a Unităţii 1 CNE Cernavodă, in data de 13 iulie 2012, ora 00:00. Reactorul Unităţii 1
Societatea Naţională Nuclearelectrica SA anunţă oprirea neplanificată a Unităţii 1 a CNE Cernavodă, astăzi 22 iunie 2012, la ora ora 07:43. Unitatea s-a oprit automat
Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica SA a anuntat astazi, 22 iunie 2012, ora 07:43, oprirea neplanificata a Unitatii 1 a CNE Cernavoda. Unitatea s-a oprit automat din
Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica SA anunta finalizarea cu succes a lucrarilor de oprire planificata pe anul 2012 a Unitatii 1 a Centralei Nucleaeroelectrice Cernavoda. Sincronizarea la
Documentatia de atribuire a contractului de Servicii de recrutare administratori executivi si/sau neexecutivi si, dupa caz, a directorului general pentru SOCIETATEA NATIONALA NUCLEARELECTRICA S.A. Caiet de
Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica SA Bucharest, headquartered in Str. Polonă nr. 65, sector 1, Bucharest, Romania, postal code 010494, issued on April 2012, the announcement regarding
Announcement on the selection of the Underwriter of the Initial Public Offering for the Sale of Shares issued by Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica S.A. Bucureşti, conducted
Bucuresti, 06.04.2012 Astăzi, 6 aprilie 2012, la ora 12:20, Unitatea 2 a CNE Cernavodă a fost oprită controlat din cauza defectării unei vane de control
Societatea Națională Nuclearelectrica S.A. (SNN) warns against online fraud attempts using fake ads/claims about investment platforms with the promise of easy winnings
Bucharest, 15 May 2024
Nuclearelectrica warns the public about the appearance in the online environment of false ads and advertisements promoting an investment platform, implicitly trading with Nuclearelectrica shares, promising, by using the image of public persons, substantial financial gains, in a very short period of time.
Nuclearelectrica draws attention to the fact that such advertisements are fraudulent and aim to deceive people attracted by the promise of easy financial gains.
Nuclearelectrica is an energy producer listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (stock symbol SNN), and a potential purchase of SNN shares can only be made from the market, through a broker, which is the exclusive choice of the investor.
Thus, in order to protect against this type of fraudulent action, your financial interests and personal data, please note the following:
-Use for information only official sources represented by the official website of the company and the website of the Bucharest Stock Exchange. Also, for how to invest in an issuer, please consult the Bucharest Stock Exchange Guide, accessible at this link: ;
-The issuer Nuclearelectrica does not use advertisements to promote investment in its shares. Any such advertisement/claim, regardless of association with public persons and/or potential management of the company, is false;
-Beware of suspicious calls and e-mails, similar to advertisements, promising you easy winnings associated with investing in Nuclearelectrica, with the persons recommending themselves as representatives of Nuclearelectrica. Nuclearelectrica does not send such e-mails, Nuclearelectrica staff does not call any potential shareholder to explain/facilitate the investment process. Any person who claims to be an analyst/financial expert of Nuclearelectrica in an attempt to convince you to invest in an investment platform is acting fraudulently;
-Be careful when transferring personal data to such persons;
-Whenever you have a doubt about such an investment, make sure you get the information from a reliable source, by default directly from the issuer;
-We encourage you to report such fraud attempts to the relevant institutions.
We thank you for your understanding and assure you that we act to protect your financial interests.
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