Synchronization of Cernavoda NPP Unit 2 to the National Energy System after the completion of the planned outage works
Bucharest, 16 June 2023
SN Nuclearelectrica SA announces that the works related to the planned outage of the Cernavoda NPP Unit 2 have been completed, the synchronization to the National Power System being realized on 15 June 2023.
Unit 2 entered the planned outage programme on 07 May 2023, in order to carry out the planned maintenance works, which are carried out every two years for each unit.
During the planned outage period, activities from the following programs were performed:
– Preventive maintenance program;
– Corrective maintenance programme;
– Inspection programme;
– Mandatory testing programme during planned outages;
– Project changes implementation programme.
The works were carried out in a safe manner for the plant staff, the public and the environment, according to the approved procedures used at the Cernavodă NPP.
Cosmin Ghita
General Manager