Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica S.A. (“SNN”) informs its shareholders and investors that Units 1 and 2 of Cernavoda NPP operate within normal parameters and under nuclear safety conditions, unaffected by the decrease of the level of the Danube river reported recently by the National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management (I.N.H.G.A.).
As per the estimated forecast of I.N.H.G.A., for the timeframe until the end of September 2015, the level of the Danube river does not affect the optimum operation of Cernavoda NPP, thus the energy production will not be impacted by this cause.
The safety of the nuclear power plant is not affected even in the case of an extremely low level of the Danube river. In the hypothetical scenario, in which the level of the Danube river approaches an extremely low level, in compliance with the procedures of the power plant, the orderly shutdown of the units is decided, as per the established level for each unit, so that there is sufficient cooling water debit for maintaining the reactors in a secure state. In the extreme case of shutting down one or even both nuclear units, there is sufficient water in the aspiration tank in order to ensure the cooling of the reactors by the use of special pumps.
Also, in case of extreme situations, Cernavoda NPP is provided with cooling measures using a water pumping system from two deep wells.
Daniela Lulache