GMS 31/07/2014

30 iun.

Convening notice for GMS 31.07.2014

Ammended convening notice for GMS of 31.07.2014


Nota cu privire la numirea auditorului financiar al societatii si stabilirea duratei minime a contractului de audit financiar – ACTUALIZARE

Item 2: Note on the approval of the budget of revenues and expenses for the financial year 2014

Item 3: Note on the approval of the updating of Appendix 1.1. and Appendix 1 to the administration contracts concluded between the administrators and the company

Punctul 6: Aprobarea acordarii unei remuneratii variabile suplimentare membrilor Consiliului de Administratie in functie de performanta actiunilor SN Nuclearelectrica SA si a formei actului aditional la contractul de administrare ce va fi incheiat cu membrii Consiliului de Administratie SNN

Punctul 7: Mandatarea doamnei Elena Popescu pentru semnarea actului aditional la contractul de administratie ce va fi incheiat cu membrii Consiliului de administratie in conditiile punctului 6 al prezentei ordini de zi completate

Punctul 8: Mandatarea Consiliului de Administratie al societatii sa implementeze la nivelul conducerii executive a SN Nuclearelectrica SA un sistem de remunerare in functie de performanta actiunilor SN Nuclearelectrica SA

Atasament: Adresa Fondului Proprietatea

Item 9: Approval of the Report on the administration activity for the first quarter of 2014, prepared in accordance with Art. 7 item 7.19 and item 7.21 of the Administration Contract signed by the members of the Board of Directors with SN Nuclearelectrica S. A

Item 10: Note on the dismissal of the financial auditor as a result of the audit contract termination by mutual agreement of the Parties, on the appointment of the new auditor and on the contract minimum duration and the auditor’s remuneration

Item 11:Note regarding the transactions concluded by SNN with another public company or with the public supervisory body, which falls under Art. 52 paragraphs (3) of the Government Emergency Ordinance (OUG) number 109/2011

Item 12:Note regarding the transactions concluded with the administrators or managers, employees, shareholders having control over the company or with a company controlled by them, in accordance with Art. 52 paragraphs (1) and (2) of OUG No. 109/2011

Informare privind drepturile de vot in cadrul Adunarii Generale Extraordinare a Actionarilor din data de 31.07.2014


Punctul 2: Prezentarea unei informari privind continuarea „Proiectului Unitatile 3 si 4 de la CNE Cernavoda” si atragerea de noi investitori printr-o procedura competitiva de selectare

Item 4: Request the Trade Register Office of the Bucharest Court to appoint a licensed appraiser to assess the land for which the property certificate series M03 number 12900 was issued by the Ministry of Economy, as per the provisions of article 215 of the Law 31/1990 regarding companies, with the subsequent ammendments

Item 6: Note regarding the affiliation of Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica SA to international organizations in the nuclear field

Regulament privind organizarea si desfasurarea Adunarilor Generale ale Actionarilor Societatii Nationale Nuclearelectrica SA


Special power of attorney for individual shareholders for EGMS

Special power of attorney for legal person shareholders for EGMS

Special power of attorney for individual shareholders for OGMS

Special power of attorney for legal person shareholders for OGMS

Correspondence ballot for individual shareholders for EGMS

Correspondence ballot for legal person shareholders for EGMS

Correspondence ballot for individual shareholders for OGMS

Correspondence ballot for legal person shareholders for OGMS


Resolution draft – OGMS 31.07.2014

Resolution draft – EGMS 31.07.2014


Resolution OGMS – 31.07.2014

Resolution EGMS – 31.07.2014

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