GMS 29/04/2014

28 mart.

Convening notice for the GMS of SN Nuclearelectrica SA – 29.04.2014

Ammended Convening notice for GMS of SN Nuclearelectrica SA – 29.04.2014


Item 2: The approval of the separate annual financial statements for 2013

Annual individual report of the adminsitrators of SN Nuclearelectri SA

Individual Financial Statements as at and for the year ended on 31 December 2013

Independent auditor’s report on the separate financial statements of SN Nuclearelectrica SA at 31.12.2013

Item 3: The approval of the consolidated annual financial statements for 2013

Annual consolidated report of the administrators of SN Nuclearelectrica SA

Consolidated Financial Statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2013

Independent auditor’s report on the consolidated financial statements of SN Nuclearelectrica SA at 31.12.2013

Errata to the consolidated financial statements of SN Nuclearelectrica SA at 31.12.2013

Item 4: The approval of the annual report prepared in accordance with the provisons of art. 227 of the Law number 297/2004 regarding the capital market and of the addendum number 32 to the CNVM regulations number 1/2206

Annual report prepared in accordance with the provisons of art. 227 of the Law number 297/2004 regarding the capital market and of the addendum number 32 to the CNVM regulations number 1/2206

Item 5: The approval of the discharge of duties of the members of the Board of Directors

Item 6: The approval of the proposal of the BoD regarding the distribution of the net profit resulting from the financial year 2013, the gross dividend per share, the date of payment and the payment method

Item 7: The approval of the Revenues and Expenses Budget for 2014

Item 8: The presentation of the administration activities report for the 4th quarter of 2013 and item 9: the approval of the administration activities report for the 4th quarter of 2013

The report of the Board of Administration of SN Nuclearelectrica Sa for the IV quarter of 2013

The detailed report of the Board of Directors of SN Nuclearelectrica SA for the IV quarter of 2013

Item 10: The approval of the modification of articles 7.19 and 7.21 from the Administration contracts

Item 11: The approval of the addendum 1.1 and the addendum 1 to the Administration Contracts

Item 13: Information note regarding the transactions concluded by SNN with another public company or with the public supervisory body, which falls under Art. 52 paragraphs (3) of the Government Emergency Ordinance (OUG) number 109/2011

Item 14:regarding the transactions concluded with the administrators or managers, employees, shareholders having control over the company or with a company controlled by them, in accordance with Art. 52 paragraphs (1) and (2) of OUG No. 109/2011

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Item 2: The approval of the proposals for the modification of the Articles of Incorporation of the Company presented in addendum 1 to the present Convening Notice




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