Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
Annual Report of the Administrators for the financial year ended on December 31, 2023 in ESEF format
Item 5 –Approval of the Quarterly Report of the Board of Directors for Quarter IV 2023.
Item 6 –Approval of the discharge of the Directors for the financial year ended 31 December 2023.
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
Item 2 –Approval of the Investment Decision on the conclusion of the framework agreement for “Project management services, technical assistance, consultancy and staff training, necessary for the preparation and implementation of the Unit 1 Refurbishment Project at the Cernavoda NPP” with a maximum value of 358,919,984.22 CAD (equivalent to 243,616,360.70 Euro), between SNN, as Purchaser and Canadian Nuclear Partners S.A., as Provider.
Appendix no. 1 – Progress Report on the Refurbishment Project of Cernavodă Unit 1
At item 2 on the amended EGMS agenda, SNN published the NOTE on the approval by the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, of the investment decision regarding the conclusion of the framework agreement having as object “Project management, technical assistance, staff consultancy and training services, necessary for the preparation and implementation of the Refurbishment Project of Unit 1 from Cernavodă NPP”, between SNN, as Purchaser and Canadian Nuclear Partners S.A., as Provider.
In order to protect its legitimate commercial interests, given the commercial information contained in the framework agreement having as object “Project management, technical assistance, staff consultancy and training services, necessary for the preparation and implementation of the Refurbishment Project of Unit 1 from Cernavodă NPP”, with the maximum amount of CAD 358,919,984.22 (the equivalent of EUR 243,616,360.70), without VAT, between SNN, as Purchaser and Canadian Nuclear Partners S.A. (CNPSA), as Provider, , SNN has decided, as per the information note related to item 2 on the amended agenda of the EGMS, under the applicable legislation, the shareholders right to have access to sufficient information on issues subject to GMS approval, in the spirit of transparency, good faith and good practice, to offer shareholders the opportunity, subject to the fulfillment of the identification requirements provided in the GMS Convening Notice and the requirement to hold the quality of shareholder on the reference date 12.04.2024, to issue a request in this respect accompanied by the Non-disclosure Agreement filled in (link) and a copy of the ID in order to receive access to the framework agreement having as object “Project management, technical assistance, staff consultancy and training services, necessary for the preparation and implementation of the Refurbishment Project of Unit 1 from Cernavodă NPP”, with the maximum amount of CAD 358,919,984.22 (the equivalent of EUR 243,616,360.70), without VAT, between SNN, as Purchaser and Canadian Nuclear Partners S.A. (CNPSA), as Provider, except for the information in Annex No. 1 – (Centralised Quantities and Hourly Rates) and Annex No. 3 – (Final Technical Proposal dated 31 January 2024 and Final Financial Proposal dated 31 January 2024).
SNN will verify the shareholder quality on 12.04.2024 in the register of shareholders sent by the Central Depository and will provide a copy of the the framework agreement having as object “Project management, technical assistance, staff consultancy and training services, necessary for the preparation and implementation of the Refurbishment Project of Unit 1 from Cernavodă NPP”, with the maximum amount of CAD 358,919,984.22 (the equivalent of EUR 243,616,360.70), without VAT, between SNN, as Purchaser and Canadian Nuclear Partners S.A. (CNPSA), as Provider, except for the information in Annex No. 1 – (Centralised Quantities and Hourly Rates) and Annex No. 3 – (Final Technical Proposal dated 31 January 2024 and Final Financial Proposal dated 31 January 2024).
The requests, accompanied by the signed non-disclosure agreement and the ID copy will be sent to the attention of SNN’s Board of Directors, either in physical format or by submitting them to SNN’s Registry, Iancu de Hunedoara Boulevard, no 48, district 1, Bucharest, between 08:00 and 16:00, or by sending them online, with extended incorporated electronic signature according to Law no 455/2001 to the e-mail address aga@nuclearelectrica.ro with the title “Request for EGMS documents 25.04.2024”.
The copy of the the framework agreement having as object “Project management, technical assistance, staff consultancy and training services, necessary for the preparation and implementation of the Refurbishment Project of Unit 1 from Cernavodă NPP”, with the maximum amount of CAD 358,919,984.22 (the equivalent of EUR 243,616,360.70), without VAT, between SNN, as Purchaser and Canadian Nuclear Partners S.A. (CNPSA), as Provider, except for the information in Annex No. 1 – (Centralised Quantities and Hourly Rates) and Annex No. 3 – (Final Technical Proposal dated 31 January 2024 and Final Financial Proposal dated 31 January 2024), will be made available for collection from the SNN Registry from Iancu de Hunedoara Boulevard no. 48, district 1, Bucharest, between 08:00 and 16:00 for requests received in physical and by e-mail, with the SNN’s incorporated electronic signature for requests received by e-mail.
Request to amend the agenda of the EGMS from the majority shareholder, the Ministry of Energy
General powers of attorney
General power of attorney for individual shareholders OGMS – click here
General power of attorney for legal person shareholders OGMS – click here
General power of attorney for individual shareholders EGMS – click here
General power of attorney for legal person shareholders EGMS – click here
Special powers of attorney
Special power of attorney for individual shareholders OGMS – click here
Special power of attorney for legal person shareholders OGMS – click here
Special power of attorney for the individual shareholder for EGMS – click here
AMENDED AGENDA Special power of attorney for the individual shareholder for EGMS – click here
Special power of attorney for the legal person shareholder for EGMS – click here
AMENDED AGENDA Special power of attorney for the legal person shareholder for EGMS – click here
Correspondence ballots
Correspondence ballot for individual shareholders for OGMS – click here
Correspondence ballot for legal person shareholders for OGMS – click here
Correspondence ballot for individual shareholders for EGMS – click here
AMENDED AGENDA Correspondence ballot for individual shareholders for EGMS – click here
Correspondence ballot for legal person shareholders for EGMS – click here
AMENDED AGENDA Correspondence ballot for legal person shareholders for EGMS – click here
Resolution drafts
AMENDED AGENDA OGMS resolution draft
AMENDED AGENDA EGMS resolution draft