
23 May

The amended convening notice of the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting of SNN Shareholders of 28.06.2018

Convening notice of the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting of SNN Shareholders 28.06.2018

Regulation on organizing and conducting the general meetings of shareholders of Societatea Nationala “Nuclearelectrica” S.A.


Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

Agenda amendment request from the majority shareholder, the Ministry of Energy

Item 3: The approval of the quarterly report of the Board of Directors of SN Nuclearelectrica SA for the Ist quarter of 2018, prepared in compliance with the provisions of OUG 109/2011 regarding the corporate governance of public enterprises, as subsequently amended and those of art. 67 of Law no. 24/2017 regarding issuers of financial instruments and market operations

The list of the candidate proposals for provisional members of the Board of Directors

CVs of the candidates

Tudorache Iulian-Robert 

Gentea Cristian 

Elena Popescu

Dragos Ionut Banescu

Marcu Mirel Alexandru

Dima Cristian

Mihai Daniel Anitei


Item 14: The approval of the gross monthly fixed remuneration for the provisional members of the Board of Directors at the level of two averages for the last twelve months of the gross average monthly wage for the activity unfolded according to the main object of activity registered by the company, at class level according to the activity classification within the national economy, communicated by the National Institute of Statistics prior to the appointment, recalculated with the application of the provisions of OUG no. 79/2017 for the amendment and completion of the Law no. 227/2015 regarding the Fiscal Code and on the basis of art. 18 of OUG no.90/2017, as per the Note presented to the shareholders

Annex no. 1 – Situation regarding the calculation of the level of the monthly gross fixed indemnity of the temporary members of the Board of Directors of S.N. NUCLEARELECTRICA S.A.

Item 15: The approval of the mandate contract form which will be concluded with the provisional members of the Board of Directors.

Punctul 17: The approval of the profile of the Board of Directors and the profile of the candidates for the positions of administrators of SN Nuclearelectrica SA.

The profile of the Board of Directors

The profile of the candidates for the positions of administrators

Item 19: . The approval of the ensured amount related to the professional liability for the administrators with mandate contracts and the limit of liability for the directors with mandate contracts as per the Note presented to the shareholders.

Item 20: Information regarding the accomplishment of the requirements stated within the General Meeting of Shareholders dated 25 April 2018 regarding the clarification/resolution of the aspects highlighted by the independent financial auditor with regards to the individual and consolidated financial statements for the year 2017.

Item 21: Information note on the transactions concluded with administrators, or directors, or employees, or shareholders having control over the company or a company controlled by them during 01.03.2018 – 01.05.2018, as per art. 52, paragraph (3) letter a) din of GED l09/2011 with subsequent amendments.

Item 22: . Information note on the transactions concluded by SNN with another public company or with the public supervisory body if the transaction has a value, either individually or in a series of transactions, of at least the equivalent in lei of Euro 100.000, during 01.03.2018 – 01.05.2018, as per art. 52, paragraph (3) letter b) of GED 109/2011 with subsequent amendments.


Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

Item 2: The approval of the procurement of legal and financial assistance/consultancy services in relation to the Project Cernavoda NPP Units 3 and 4


General powers of attorney

General power of attorney for individual shareholders OGMS – click here

General power of attorney for legal person shareholders OGMS – click here

General power of attorney for individual shareholders EGMS – click  here

General power of attorney for legal person shareholders EGMS – click here


Special powers of attorney

Special power of attorney for individual shareholders OGMS amended convening notice  – click here

Special power of attorney for individual shareholders OGMS amended convening notice(secret vote)  – click here

Special power of attorney for legal person shareholders OGMS amended convening notice – click here

Special power of attorney for legal person shareholders OGMS amended convening notice (secret vote) – click here

Special power of attorney for the individual shareholder for EGMS   –click  here

Special power of attorney for the legal person shareholder for EGMS –  click here


Correspondence ballots

Correspondence ballot for individual shareholders for OGMS amended convening notice  – click here

Correspondence ballot for individual shareholders for OGMS amended convening notice(secret vote)  – click here

Correspondence ballot for legal person shareholders for OGMS  amended convening notice– click here

Correspondence ballot for legal person shareholders for OGMS amended convening notice (secret vote) – click here

Correspondence ballot for individual shareholders for EGMS  – click here

Correspondence ballot for legal person shareholders for EGMS  – click here


Resolution drafts

OGMS resolution draft (amended convening notice)

EGMS resolution draft



OGMS Resolution no.6/28.06.2018

EGMS resolution no. 7/28.06.2018

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