
17 Nov

Convening notice of the GMS of SN Nuclearelectrica SA – 18.12.2014

Current report regarding the resolution proposal for item 2 on the agenda of the SNN EGMS of 18.02.2014

Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

Item 2 – The approval of the Report on the administration activity related to the 3rd quarter of 2014, prepared in compliance with the provisions of art. 7. Paragraphs 7.19 and 7.21 of the Administration Contract concluded between the members of the Board of Directors and S.N. Nuclearelectrica S.A.

Quarterly report of the Board of Directors of SN Nuclearelectrica SA for the nine month period ended 30 September 2014

Item 3 – The revocation of the financial auditor KPMG Audit SRL following the termination of the audit contract by party agreement, the appointment of Baker Tilly Klitou and Partners SRL, as the new financial auditor and the establisment of the duration of the financial audit contract for 3 years.

Item 4 – Information regarding the transactions concluded with the administrators or directors, employees, shareholders which own the control over the company or a company controlled by them, during 1.06.2014 – 31.10.2014, in compliance with art. 52 paragraph. (1) and (2) of OUG l09/2011.

Item 5 – Information on the transactions concluded by SNN with another public company or with the public supervisory body, if the transaction has a value, either individually or in a series of transactions, of at least EUR 100 000 in lei equivalent, during 1.06.2014 – 30.09.2014, which falls under the incidence art. 52 paragraph.(5) of OUG 109/2011.

Item 6 – Note regarding the conclusion of a lease contract for the “Gabara 1000 tons” ship by means of an open-outcry auction

Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

Item 2 – The approval of the procurement of legal, financial and technical assistance/consultancy services related to the Project Units 3 and 4 Cernavoda NPP, including also other cases thoroughly justified through the Resolution of the Board of Directors, with the ulterior information of the General Meeting of Shareholders.

Informare drepturi de vot AGOA si AGEA – 18.12.2014

Regulamentul privind organizarea si desfasurarea Adunarilor Generale ale Actionarilor SNN SA

Special powers of attorney and correspondence ballots


Special power of attorney for individual shareholders for OGMS

Special power of attorney for legal person shareholders for OGMS

Special power of attorney for individual shareholders for EGMS

Special power of attorney for legal person shareholders for EGMS

Correspondence ballot for individual shareholders for OGMS

Correspondence ballot for legal person shareholders for OGMS

Correspondence ballot for individual shareholders for EGMS

Correspondence ballot for legal person shareholders for EGMS

Resolution drafts

Resolution draft of the OGMS – 18.12.2014

Resolution draft of the EGMS – 18.12.2014


Resolution of the OGMS – 18.12.2014

Resolution of the EGMS – 18.12.2014


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