Convening notice of the GMS of SN Nuclearelectrica SA – 18.12.2014
Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
Informare drepturi de vot AGOA si AGEA – 18.12.2014
Regulamentul privind organizarea si desfasurarea Adunarilor Generale ale Actionarilor SNN SA
Special powers of attorney and correspondence ballots
Special power of attorney for individual shareholders for OGMS
Special power of attorney for legal person shareholders for OGMS
Special power of attorney for individual shareholders for EGMS
Special power of attorney for legal person shareholders for EGMS
Correspondence ballot for individual shareholders for OGMS
Correspondence ballot for legal person shareholders for OGMS
Correspondence ballot for individual shareholders for EGMS
Correspondence ballot for legal person shareholders for EGMS
Resolution drafts
Resolution draft of the OGMS – 18.12.2014
Resolution draft of the EGMS – 18.12.2014
Resolution of the OGMS – 18.12.2014
Resolution of the EGMS – 18.12.2014