Current report regarding the resolutions of the OGMS and EGMS of 20.12.2017
Changes in the management of Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica SA
Current report regarding the resolutions of the OGMS and EGMS of 28.09.2017
Current report regarding the reconnection of Cernavoda NPP Unit 2 to the National Power Grid
Current report – The controlled shutdown of Cernavoda NPP Unit 2
Current report regarding the reconnection of Cernavoda NPP Unit 2 to SEN
Current report regarding the disconnection of Cernavoda NPP Unit 2 22.07.2017
Current report regarding the disconnection of Cernavoda NPP Unit 2 from SEN
Current report regarding the convening of the General Meeting of SNN Shareholders on 24.08.2017
Current report regarding changes in the management of Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica SA
Adjustment of the average regulated price for 2017 by ANRE Resolution
Curent report regarding the convening of the General Meeting of SNN Shareholders for 11.07.2017
Current report regarding the completion of the scheduled outage program of Cernavoda NPP Unit 2
Current report regarding the payment of the dividends for the financial year 2016
Current report regarding the reconnection of Cernavoda NPP Unit 1 to the National Power Grid
Current report regarding the appointment of the President of the Board of Directors of SNN
Current report regarding the publication of the annual report for 2016
Current report regarding transactions of the kind listed at art.82 of the Law no. 24/2017
Current report regarding transactions of the kind listed at art. 225 of the Law no. 297/2004
Current report regarding the convening of the SNN General Meeting of Shareholders for 24.04.2017
Current report regarding transactions of the kind listed at art. 225 of the Law no. 297/2004
Current report regarding transactions of the kind listed at art. 225 of the Law no. 297/2004
Current report regarding the convening of the SNN General Meeting of Shareholders for 29.03.2017
Current report regarding transactions of the kind listed at art. 225 of the Law no. 297/2004
Current report regarding transactions of the kind listed at art. 225 of the Law no. 297/2004
Current report regarding transactions of the kind listed at art. 225 of the Law no. 297/2004
Current report regarding transactions of the kind listed at art. 225 of the Law no. 297/2004
Current report regarding transactions of the kind listed at art. 225 of the Law no. 297/2004