Publication of the SN Nuclearelectrica SA share capital increase announcement
Current report regarding the reconnection of Cernavoda NPP Unit 2 to the National Power Grid
Current report regarding the desynchronization of Cernavoda NPP Unit 2 from the National Power Grid
Current report regarding the conclusion of a term deposit with EXIMBANK S.A. – Bucharest
Current report regarding the financial results at 30.09.2014 – Information note
Current report regarding the conclusion of a term deposit with EXIMBANK S.A. – Bucharest
Current report regarding the conclusion of a term deposit with EXIMBANK SA – Bucharest
Current report regarding the reconnection of Cernavoda NPP Unit 1 to the National Power Grid
Current report regarding the desynchronization of Cernavoda NPP Unit 1 from the National Power Grid
Current report on the conclusion of transaction of the kind listed in Art. 225 of Law No. 297/2004
Current report regarding the conclusion of a term deposit with EXIMBANK S.A. – Bucharest
Current report regarding the financial results at 30.09.2014 – Information note
Current report regarding the conclusion of a term deposit with EXIMBANK S.A. – Bucharest
Current report on transaction of the kind listed in Art. 225 of Law No. 297/2004
Current report regarding the publication of the resolutions of the EGMS and OGMS of 6.10.2014
Current report on the availability of the EGMS resolution of 22.08.2014
Current report on the Availability of the Half-Year Report for the six months ended at 30 June 2014
Raport curent privind publicarea hotararilor AGOA si AGEA SNN SA din data de 31.07.2014
Raport curent privind completarea convocatorului AGEA stabilita pentru data de 31 Iulie 2014
Current report on the transactions stipulated at art. 255 of Law 297/2004
Current report on the conclusion of a legal document with ICSI Rm. Valcea
Current report regarding a legal document concluded with tha National Company of Uranium SA
Raport curent in conformitate cu articolul 225 din Legea 297/2004
Current report regarding the payment of dividends for the financial year 2013
Current report regarding the availability of the annual reports for 2013
Current report regarding the resolutions of the EGMS and OGMS of April 29, 2014
Raport curent privind completarea convocatorului AGA programata in data de 29.04.2014
Current report regarding the amendment of the Organization Chart of SN Nuclearelectrica SA
Raport curent cu privire la disponibilitatea materialelor pentru AGA SNN din data de 11.03.2014
Current report regarding the appointment of the new Financial Manager of SNN SA
Independent auditor’s report for the second semester of 2013