Current reports 2014

Publication of the SN Nuclearelectrica SA share capital increase announcement

Current report on the disconnection and reconnection of Cernavoda NPP Unit 1 to the National Power Grid

Current report regarding the reconnection of Cernavoda NPP Unit 2 to the National Power Grid

Current report regarding the desynchronization of Cernavoda NPP Unit 2 from the National Power Grid

Current report regarding the conclusion of an addendum to the regulated energy sale-purchase contract number 526/31.12.2013 concluded between S.N. Nuclearelectrica S.A. and S. C. Electrica Furnizare S.A.

Current report on the information on the presiding judge’s order request by S. C. Fondul Proprietatea S.A. in relation to the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders Resolution no. 8/6.10.2014

Current report regarding the publication of the Resolutions of the Ordinary Meeting of Shareholders (OGMS) and of the Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders (OGMS) of 18 December 2014

Current report on the approval of the electric power amounts and the price applied on the regulated market for 2015

Current report on the conclusion of some electric power sale-purchase contracts between S.N. Nuclearelectrica S.A. on the one hand, and S.C. Electrificare C.F.R. S.A., on the other hand

Current report regarding the conclusion of energy sale contracts between S.N. Nuclearelectrica S.A. and S. C. Electrica Furnziare S.A.

Current report regarding the conclusion of a term deposit with EXIMBANK S.A. – Bucharest

Current report regarding the conclusion of energy sale contracts between S.N. Nuclearelectrica S.A. and S. C. Electrica Furnziare S.A.

Current report on the Decision of the Board of Directors regarding the convening of the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders established for December 18, 2014

Current report regarding the financial results at 30.09.2014 – Information note

Current report availability of the Quarterly Report related to the 3rd quarter of the 2014 financial year

Current report regarding the conclusion of a term deposit with EXIMBANK S.A. – Bucharest

Current report on the litigation called forth by S.C. Fondul Proprietatea S. A. with respect to the Resolution No. 1 /11 March 2014 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

Current report regarding the conclusion of a term deposit with EXIMBANK SA – Bucharest

Current report regarding the reconnection of Cernavoda NPP Unit 1 to the National Power Grid

Current report regarding the notification regarding the request for the annulment of the Resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders number 8/06.10.2014 issued by S.C. Fondul Proprietatea S.A.

Current report regarding the Resolution Draft Proposal for item 2 on the agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica S.A. established for December 18th, 2014

Current report regarding the desynchronization of Cernavoda NPP Unit 1 from the National Power Grid

Current report on the conclusion of transaction of the kind listed in Art. 225 of Law No. 297/2004

Current report on the conclusion of energy sale purchase contracts between S.N. Nuclearelectrica S.A. on one hand and S. C. Electrica Furnizare S.A., respectively S.C. Electrica Distributie Transilvania Sud S.A. on the other hand

Current report regarding the conclusion of energy sale contracts between S.N. Nuclearelectrica S.A. and S. C. Electrica Furnziare S.A.

Current report regarding the conclusion of a term deposit with EXIMBANK S.A. – Bucharest

Current report regarding the conclusion of energy sale contracts between S.N. Nuclearelectrica S.A. and S. C. Electrica Furnziare S.A.

Current report on the Decision of the Board of Directors regarding the convening of the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders established for December 18, 2014

Current report regarding the financial results at 30.09.2014 – Information note

Current report availability of the Quarterly Report related to the 3rd quarter of the 2014 financial year

Current report regarding the conclusion of a term deposit with EXIMBANK S.A. – Bucharest

Current report on the appointment of an interim administrator of Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica SA

Current report on the conclusion of a term deposit and of a overnight deposit framework convention by SNN with the Export-Import Bank of Romania – EXIMBANK SA – Bucharest

Current report on the share capital increase subscription rate approved by the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on 6.10.2014

Current report on transaction of the kind listed in Art. 225 of Law No. 297/2004

Current report on the legal action initiated by Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica S.A. against the Regulatory Authority for Energy

Current report regarding the recalculation of the ex-date established by the EGMS, in compliance with the new T+2 settlement cycle

Current report regarding the publication of the resolutions of the EGMS and OGMS of 6.10.2014

Current report regarding the adjustment of the timetable of the procedure for the selection of an investor for Cernavoda NPP Units 3 and 4 Project

Current report regarding the publication of the amended convening notice for the General Meeting of Shareholders, scheduled for October 6th, 2014

Current report – SNN is analyzing the opportunity arisen from the announced potential disposal of Enel’s operations in Romania

Current report regarding the update of the Revenues and Expenses Budget indicators for the financial year 2014

The amended current report of the date of September 3rd 2014 refering to additions to items 7 and 8 on the agenda of the EGMS

Current report regarding the publication of the convening notice for the General Meeting of Shareholders, scheduled for October 6th, 2014

Current report on the availability of the EGMS resolution of 22.08.2014

Current report on the Availability of the Half-Year Report for the six months ended at 30 June 2014

Current Report in compliance with Art. 113, item A, letter b) of the Regulation No.1/2006 of the Romanian National Securities Commission regarding the issuers and securities operations, as subsequently amended, as well as in compliance with the provisions of Art. 99 under the Code of the Bucharest Stock Exchange Market Operator, Tier II, Issuers and Financial Instruments – the ammendment of the convening notice for the EGMS of 22.08.2014

Raport curent privind o tranzactie cu RATEN-CITON de tipul celor enumerate la art. 225 din Legea nr. 297/2004

Raport curent privind publicarea hotararilor AGOA si AGEA SNN SA din data de 31.07.2014

Current report on the independent limited assurance report on the information included in the current reports prepared by the company in accordance with the requirements of Law no. 297/2004 and the Regulation no. 1/2006

Raport curent privind incheierea unui depozit la termen de catre SN Nuclearelectrica SA la Banca de Export-Import a Romaniei EXIMBANK SA – Bucuresti

Raport curent cu privire la actele juridice cu valoare cumulata mai mare de 50.000 Euro incheiate de SNN SA cu valabilitate in semestrul I 2014

Raport curent cu privire la litigiile demarate de SC Fornul Proprietatea SA in legatura cu Hotararea AGEA numarul 1/11.03.2014

Raport curent privind incheierea unui depozit la termen de catre SN Nuclearelectrica SA la Banca de Export-Import a Romaniei EXIMBANK SA – Bucuresti

Raport curent privind convocarea Adunarii Generale Extraordinare a Actionarilor SNN SA in data de 22.08.2014

Raport curent privind completarea convocatorului AGEA stabilita pentru data de 31 Iulie 2014

Current report on the amendment of the Convening Notice for the General Meeting of Shareholders set for 31.07.2014

Current report on the transactions stipulated at art. 255 of Law 297/2004

Raport curent privind incheierea unui act aditional la contractul reglementat de vanzare cumparare energie electrica intre SN Nuclearelectrica SA si SC Electrica Furnizare SA

Current report regarding the publication of the convening notice for the General Meeting of Shareholders, scheduled for 31.07.2014

Current report regarding the litigation initiated by S.C. Fondul Proprietatea S. A. related to the Resolution No.1/11 March 2014 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS)

Current report on the conclusion of a legal document with ICSI Rm. Valcea

Current report regarding a legal document concluded with tha National Company of Uranium SA

Raport curent in conformitate cu articolul 225 din Legea 297/2004

Current report regarding the payment of dividends for the financial year 2013

Current report on the availability of the Quarterly Report for the first quarter of the financial year 2014

Current report regarding the request issued by SC Fondul Proprietatea for the suspension and annulement of the Resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders dated on 11.03.2014

Current report regarding the availability of the annual reports for 2013

Current report regarding the resolutions of the EGMS and OGMS of April 29, 2014

Raport curent privind completarea convocatorului AGA programata in data de 29.04.2014

Raport curent conform articolului 225 din Legea 297/2004 privind incheierea unui act juridic cu persoane implicate cu actionarii care detin controlul societatii

Current report on the termination of the energy sale-purchase contract concluded between SNN and ArcelorMittal

Current report on the errata to the consolidated financial statements of SN Nuclearelectrica SA at 31.12.2013

Current report on the convening of the Ordinary and Extraordinary Meetings of the Shareholders on April 29, 2014 and the proposal for the gross dividend value

Current report on the signing of an electric power sale-purchase contract by SN Nuclearelectrica SA and S.C. GEN-I, Bucharest – Electricity Trading and Sales SRL

Current report regarding the publication of the resolutions of EGMS and OGMS of SN Nuclearelectrica SA from 11.03.2014

Current report regarding the amendment of the Organization Chart of SN Nuclearelectrica SA

Announcement regarding the availability of the Separate Preliminary Unaudited Financial Statements as of and for the period ended 31st December 2013

Raport curent cu privire la tranzactii de tipul celor enumerate la articolul 225 din Legea nr. 297/2004

Raport curent cu privire la disponibilitatea materialelor pentru AGA SNN din data de 11.03.2014

Current report regarding the appointment of the new Financial Manager of SNN SA

Independent auditor’s report for the second semester of 2013

Current Report, in compliance with Art. 225, under Law nr. 297/2004 regarding the concluding of legal documents with persons involved with the shareholders who hold the company’s control – 31.01.2014

Current Report, in compliance with Art. 225, under Law nr. 297/2004 regarding the concluding of legal documents with persons involved with the shareholders who hold the company’s control – 7-14.01.2014

Current Report, in compliance with Art. 225, under Law nr. 297/2004 regarding the concluding of legal documents with persons involved with the shareholders who hold the company’s control – 1.10 – 31.12.2013

Informare privind actiunea in justitie initiata de S.N. Nuclearelectrica S.A. in contradictoriu cu Autoritatea Nationala de Reglementare in domeniul Energiei

Current report on the approval of the quantity and tariff of electricity sold on the regulated market in 2014