Quality Management Department consits of:
- Department of Quality Control;
- Service of quality management.
Department of Quality Control
In compliance with the Quality Manual, the Quality Management Department is made up offivecontrol laboratories and represents FCN’s control authority for raw materials, materials, components and finished products.The laboratories within the Quality Management Department perform specific control, measuring and monitoring activities as follows:
Chemical Analyses Laboratory:
- Feldioara UO2 powder reception control;
- UO2 pellets final control;
- helium, hydrogen, beryllium content analyses;
- sludge uranium content, residual waters, incinerator ash content analyses.
Dimensional Control of Pellets and Metallography Laboratory:
- UO2 pellets dimension and visual control;
- metallographic evaluation of brazed joints, beryllium deposition, end cap-sheath welding;
- ceramographic evaluation of UO2 sinterized pellets.

Dimensional Control of landmarks Zy-4 and FB Laboratory :
- process control/components final control: spacers, sheaths, end caps, fuel elements, end plates;
- fuel bundles ultimate control.
Metrology Laboratory:
Metrological check tests:
- calibers and calibrating devices
- pressure devices (manometers, compound gauges, pressure switches, pressure transducers, vacuum gauges, vacuum indicators);
- temperature device (thermocouples, thermocouple thermometers, electric resistance pyrometers, thermostatic baths, ovens, calcinators);
- indicators, detectors and recording instruments having various input signals;
- length devices (dial gauge, motion transducers).
Control Materials and TDV’s Laboratory
- Zy-4 reception control: bar, tubes, sheet;
- TDV reception control and spare parts purchased
- reconditioned TDV quality control
- Autoclaving test fuel bundle.
Service of quality management.
The Quality Management is made up of the Supervision Group and Documents Control Department.
Main activities:
Elaboration of specific documents (procedures, reports) and analysis of documents (procedures, plans, reports, etc.) elaborated by FCN departments, in compliance with CNCAN’s Norms applicable to the activity profile, elaboration of SR EN ISO 9001, SR EN ISO 14001 standards and of the OHSAS 18001 specification.
Surveillance of the nuclear fuel fabrication by continuously evaluating and analyzing the processes, registrations, procedures and by confirming the fact that the activities meet the specific requirements.
The internal auditing of the implementation method of the requirements set out in the documents of the management system developed and implemented in FCN.
Implementation of FCN documents control system set out by internal procedures, in compliance with the requirements of the norms and standards applicable in FCN.
Archiving of the proper records related to nuclear fuel.
Competence and authority
In compliance with the organization chart, the Quality Management and Audit Department (QMAD) is independent to take the steps it considers necessary and is not controlled by the cost and quantity interests.
According to the documents of the management system developed and implemented in FCN, the Quality Management and Audit Department is invested with the authority of:
- maintaining and permanently improving the Quality Management System especially, and the Integrated Management System generally
- controlling, through audit and surveillance for checking the implementation and maintaining of the Quality Management System and the Environment Management System and through audit for checking the implementation of the Integrated Management System (IMS).
The staff within QMAD is trained, qualified and certified in compliance with the requirements set out in the management applicable norms and standards.