SOCIETATEA NATIONALA NUCLEARELECTRICA S.A. (“SNN”) is the sole nuclear power producer as well as the only manufacturer of CANDU 6-type nuclear fuel in Romania. SNN is a national company incorporated in 1998 currently having the following shareholder structure: the Romanian State represented by the Ministry of Energy (82.4959%) Fondul Proprietatea SA (9.0903%) and other natural and legal persons (8.4138%). SNN is listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange since 2013.
The company has the registered office in Bucharest and has two branches:
– Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant Branch operating Units 1 and 2 producing electrical and thermal energy. Units 1 and 2 are CANDU-type units (CANadaDeuterium Uranium) with an installed capacity of approx. 700 MWe each and it is using natural uranium as fuel and heavy water as moderator and cooling agent.
– Pitesti Nuclear Fuel Plant Branch is a qualified manufacturer of CANDU 6 type nuclear fuel and fully covers the operating necessities of Units 1 and 2 of Cernavoda NPP.
With two operating units, SNN SA ensures approximately 20% of the domestic consumption of Romania.
The nuclear fuel necessary for the operation of Units 1 and 2 of Cernavoda NPP is manufactured within the Nuclear Fuel Plant Branch (FCN) Pitesti. For this purpose, SNN acquires uranium dioxide sintering powder (UO2), which is the raw material necessary for the manufacturing of the nuclear fuel.
Pentru asigurarea pe termen lung a materiei prime sub forma de pulbere de dioxid de uraniu, SNN intentioneaza sa initieze si sa deruleze o procedura de achizitie publica in vederea incheierii unui acord cadru cu o durata de 4 ani.
Procedura va avea 2 etape distincte, astfel:
La aceasta etapa vor avea posibilitatea sa participle toti furnizorii de pulbere sinterizabila de dioxid de uraniu la nivel international, daca sunt interesati.
Conditii :
1) Evaluarea si calificarea furnizorilor se realizeaza in conformitate cu dispozitiile Legii nr. 111/1996 privind desfasurarea in siguranta, autorizarea si controlul activitatilor nucleare si cu prevederile Normelor de Management al Calitatii (NMC) – 06, aprobate prin Ordinul Comisiei Nationale pentru Controlul Activitatilor Nucleare (CNCAN) nr. 70/2003;
2) Pulberea sinterizabila de dioxid de uranium trebuie sa indeplineasca cerintele tehnice din Caietul de sarcini cod CS-DT-13, editia 2/11.02.2016 si Specificatia de Procurare S.P.-1.01. “Pulbere sinterizabila de UO2 natural”, inclusiv Specificatia Tehnica TS-XX-37032-001 rev 1, completata cu modificarea nr. 1 din 30.08.1996;
3) Cantitatea minima a lotului de pulbere necesar pentru efectuarea testelor de performanta este de 300 kg ± 5 % de Uraniu natural sub forma de pulbere sinterizabila de UO2.
4) Cantitatea de la pct. 3 de mai sus va fi livrata catre SNN in conditia de livrare DAP Mioveni, Romania, conform INCOTERMS 2010.
Furnizorii vor avea obligatia sa suporte toate costurile asociate transportului, asigurarii, obtinerii autorizatiei de export, etc., iar SNN va suporta costul obtinerii autorizatiei de import;
In cazul in care pulberea este declarata neconforma in urma testelor, furnizorul poate solicita returnarea pulberii livrate declarata neconforma, caz in care SNN se obliga se returneze doar cantitatea ramasa dupa efectuarea testelor din cantitatea initiala livrata si in forma in care se regaseste aceasta (starea “asa cum este”). Toate costurile si taxele legate de returnarea acestor cantitati cad in sarcina furnizorului. Furnizorul isi poate exprima optiunea de returnare in aceste conditii in termen de 10 zile lucratoare de la data primirii notificarii cu privire la neconformitatea pulberii.
5) Durata estimata a testului de performanta este de 30 de zile calendaristice de la sosirea lotului de pulbere la sediul sucursalei Fabrica de Combustibil Nuclear (FCN) Pitesti, strada Campului nr 1, oras Mioveni, jud. Arges, Romania.
Toate documentele si informatiile necesare participarii la etapa de calificare vor fi puse, fara costuri, la dispozitia furnizorilor care isi vor exprima interesul. Solicitarea in acest sens se va transmite la
La aceasta etapa vor putea participa numai furnizorii de pulbere sinterizabila de UO2 calificati de SNN.
Cantitatea ce va face obiectul acordului cadru cu o durata de 4 ani este de circa 960 ± 0,2 % tone de Uraniu natural sub forma de pulbere sinterizabila de dioxid de Uraniu.
Termenii si conditiile de participare vor fi detaliate si comunicate dupa incheierea etapei de calificare. |
In order to ensure the long term supply of the raw materials as uranium dioxide powder, SNN intends to initiate and carry out a public procurement process in order to conclude a framework agreement for a period of 4 years.
The bid process will have 2 distinctive phases, as follows:
In this phase, all international suppliers of uranium dioxide sintering powder shall have the possibility to participate, if interested.
Conditions :
1) The suppliers are evaluated and qualified in accordance with the provisions of the Law no. 111/1996 regarding the safe development, authorization and control of nuclear activities and with the provisions of the Quality Management Norms (NMC) – 06, approved by the Order of the National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control (CNCAN) no. 70/2003;
2) The uranium dioxide sintering powder must comply with the technical requirements of the Tender book code CS-DT-13, version 2/11.02.2016 and Procurement Specification S.P.-1.01. “Natural UO2 sintering powder”, including the TS-XX-37032-001 rev 1 technical specification, added by the amendment no. 1 from 30.08.1996;
3) The minimum quantity of the powder lot necessary for performing the performance tests is 300 kg ± 5 % of natural Uranium as UO2 sintering powder.
4) The quantity mentioned at item 3 above shall be delivered DAP Mioveni, Romania, according to INCOTERMS 2010.
The suppliers shall undertake to bear all costs associated to the transportation, insurance, obtaining the export authorization, etc., and SNN shall bear the cost for obtaining the import authorization; In case following the tests the powder is declared “non-compliant”, the supplier may request the return of the non-compliant powder, and in this case SNN undertakes to return only the quantity remained after performing the tests from the initially delivered quantity, in its current form (the form “as is”). All costs and taxes regarding the return of these quantities fall under the supplier’s obligation. The supplier may express his return option under these conditions within 10 business days since the date of receiving the notification regarding the non-compliance of the powder. 5) The estimated period for the performance test is of 30 calendar days since the arrival of the powder lot at the Nuclear Fuel Plant (FCN), 1 Campului street, town Mioveni, district of Arges, Romania.
All necessary documents and information for participating to the qualification phase shall be provided, free of charge, for the interested suppliers. The request in this respect shall be sent to
In this phase may participate only the UO2 sintering powder suppliers qualified by SNN
The quantity which will be the object of the 4 years framework agreement is approx. 960 ± 0.2 % tons of natural Uranium as Uranium dioxide sintering powder.
The participation terms and conditions shall be detailed and communicated after the cpmpletion of the qualification phase. |
Considering the abovementioned, SOCIETATEA NATIONALA NUCLEARELECTRICA S.A invites all those interested to participate in the Qualification phase, to send a Letter of Interest until 15 of September, 2016 to the address:
Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica SA, 65 Polona street, District 1, Bucharest, Romania , phone +4021 203 82 00, Fax +4021 316 94 00,
Any requests for clarifications may be sent to the address and/or