Press release
Bucharest, 30 October 2017
SN Nuclearelectrica SA (“SNN”) announces the establishment of the Refurbishment Division within the company starting with 27 October 2017, as per the decision adopted by the General Manager of SNN.
The Refurbishment Division established within SNN headquarters is made up of internal specialists and is headed by the current Manager of the Technical and Nuclear Safety Division, Mr. Romeo Urjan. The number of specialists will increase in direct correlation with the development of the refurbishment program of Cernavoda NPP Unit 1. Mr. Romeo Urjan has an experience of over 30 years in the nuclear industry, expertise in operation, nuclear safety, nuclear projects management, holding management positions both in Romania, as well as in Canada, during his employment with Ontario Power Generation.
The establishment of the Refurbishment Division represents a first step towards the concrete implementation of the organizational measures related to the project and of the staffing plan following the resolution of the General Meeting of SNN Shareholders dated September 28, 2017, which approved the first phase of the refurbishment program of Cernavoda NPP Unit 1.
This first phase will be carried out in milestones until the end of 2021 and includes in addition to establishing the organizational chart, the extension of the number of operating hours beyond the 210.000 hours of designed operation at nominal power and the completion of the Feasibility Study.
“The establishment of the Refurbishment Division is a concrete step in the implementation of actions related to the first phase of the refurbishment program and has the scope of coordinating all the refurbishment activities. Such a major investment project requires in the first instance an extremely well prepared internal structure, with highly qualified personnel, to manage the complex technical aspects within budget and on time, as per the refurbishment strategy. We move towards the coherent and fluent implementation of this project both in correlation with the data and necessities of SNN but also by observing the experience of other CANDU nuclear power plants outside Romania that have already initiated refurbishment programs. Currently, the refurbishment of Cernavoda NPP Unit 1 is the most complex investment project of Romania and the specific strictness of the nuclear industry must be doubled by a highly efficient internal organizational structure.” – Cosmin Ghita, CEO.
Phase I of the refurbishment project represents the logical stepping-stone for the unfolding of the subsequent II and III phases, implicitly for the contracting of services and equipment and the actual outage.
Cosmin Ghita