Press release
Bucharest, July 22nd 2017
SN Nuclearelectrica SA informs that Unit 2 of Cernavoda NPP was automatically disconnected from the National Energy System on the morning of July 22nd 2017 due to the reoccurrence of a transient in the classical part of the power plant.
Unit 2 was reconnected to the National Energy System in the evening of July 21st following a disconnection also caused by a transient in the classical part of the power plant on July 20th 2017.
Cernavoda NPP specialists investigate, with the support of the manufacturer, the soft that generates the transient in order to eliminate its occurrence and, implicitly, the disconnection from the system.
The disconnection of Unit 2 from the National Energy System is explained by the fact that the nuclear reactors are programmed, by design, to automatically disconnect even in the case of a soft related transient in the classical part of the power plant.
Following the identification and remediation of the situation, Cernavoda NPP Unit 2 will be reconnected to the energy system.
The occurrence of certain transients in the classical part of the power plant has no impact on the nuclear safety of the reactor, operation personnel, population and environment, the systems of the power plant functioning in compliance with the project, which explains the automatic disconnection from the energy system.
Daniela Lulache
Chief Executive Officer