Press release – Cernavoda NPP Unit 1 synchronization to SEN

11 Nov

Press release – Cernavoda NPP Unit 1 synchronization to SEN

Bucharest, 11 November 2016



Press Release



SN Nuclearelectrica SA announces that Cernavoda NPP Unit 1 will be re-synchronized to the National Power System during the morning of November 12, 2016.


As mentioned before, Cernavoda NPP Unit 1 automatically disconnected from the National Power System during the afternoon of 08.11.2016, due to a disturbance on a power discharge line caused by severe weather conditions.


In order to re-synchronize Unit 1 to the National Power System, Cernavoda NPP specialists decided to perform additional works, including the verification of installations, works which can only be performed with the reactor in shut down mode, as per the applicable procedures of the nuclear power plant.


During the outage, the systems of the power plant functioned in compliance with the project and there was no impact on the nuclear safety of the reactor, operational personnel, population and environment.




Daniela Lulache

Director General








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