12 March 2015
Information notice
SN Nuclearelectrica SA (“SNN”) informs the shareholders, the investors, the mass-media and the stakeholders regarding the issuance by the Financial Supervisory Authority (“ASF”) of the Decision number 415/11.03.2015. The Decision of ASF provides the blockage of the transfer of 19.438.285 shares, issued within the share capital increase of SNN, as per the Resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, as a precautionary measure for the protection of the owners as well as for the potential good faith buyers, who would intend to trade the shares.
The blockage of the shares transfer is established for an unique period of two weeks, starting with the registration date of the shares in question at Depozitarul Central, the precautionary measure being associated to the litigation with SC Property Fund SA, in which case the court of law has yet to issue a final decision.
The decision of ASF does not block the share capital increase process, as the public offer was concluded on 04.02.2015, in compliance with the Prospectus and the request of ASF to initialize all the necessary measures related to the registration of the share capital amendment at the Trade Registry. Following the submittal of the ascerting certificate issued by the National Trade Registry to ASF, in compliance with the capital market legislation, ASF has already issued the Certificate of Registration of Securities number AC-3945-2/11.03.2015. Subsequent to the issuance of the above mentioned certificate, SNN will continue with the legal steps towarding concluding the share capital increase process, in compliance with the resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders dated 06.10.2014, by submitting the necessary documentation to Depozitarul Central and the capital market institutions, in compliance with the applicable legislation, within 48 hours since the issuance of the certificate by ASF.