Nuclearelectrica announces that during the Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders which took place on December 23rd, 2013, in accordance with item 3 on the agenda, namely the appointment of the members of the Board of Directors of the company, by the application of the cumulative voting method, following the exercise of the voting right of the shareholders, Mr. Sebastian Gabriel Tcaciuc was elected as the new member of the Board of Directors and the following members were reconfirmed:Alexandru Sandulescu, Alexandru Alexe, Daniela Lulache, Ionel Bucur, Carmen Radu, Dan Popescu.
The candidacy of Mr. Sebastian Gabriel Tcaciuc was proposed by the Property Fund.
Through the application of the cummulative vote, each shareholder has the right to attribute his cumulated votes to one or more persons proposed to be elected as members of the Board of Directors.
The number of cumulated votes is obtained through the multiplication of the votes owned by each shareholder, according to his participation to the share capital, with the number of the proposed members to be elected in the Board of Directors.
After the casting of the votes, the candidates who obtain the most cumulated votes within the GMS will form the Board of Directors.
The acting members of the Board of Directors at the date of the GMS who are not reconfirmed by the cumulative vote are considered revoked from their office through the resolution of the GMS.