The US Ambassador visits Cernavoda nuclear power plant

7 Nov

The US Ambassador visits Cernavoda nuclear power plant

On November 3rd 2011, His Excellency the Ambassador of the United States of America paid an official visit to Cernavoda nuclear power plant, during  a two day seminar organized by the Commercial Service of the US Embassy.

The Ambassador of the United States was accompanied by a delegation of the representatives of US companies specialized in the nuclear field and not only such as Westinghouse, Curtiss-Wright, GE Energy, Pillsbury and Babcock & Wilcox. The purpose of the visit was to identify opportunities for cooperation between SN Nuclearelectrica SA and the American specialists both for Cernavoda NPP Units 1 and 2, which are in operation and also Units 3 and 4, which are in a pre-project phase.

We mention the good cooperation between SN Nuclearelectrica SA and US companies, especially General Electric who has supplied the turbo generators for Units 1 and 2 and who ensures the maintenance services on an yearly basis for the two operating units.

During the two day workshop organized by the US Embassy in cooperation with SN Nuclearelectrica SA, the American delegation had productive meetings with the representatives of the Romanian Government and those of the authorities and companies in the field: The Minister of Economy, Trade and Business Environment, CNCAN, The Nuclear Agency & Radioactive Waste, EnergoNuclear,  The center for Engineering and Nuclear Technology – CITON.

After the Fukushima event, Romania remained firmly engaged in the continuation of its nuclear program, as the energy strategy until 2035 foresees a production of 42% from nuclear sources.

His Excellency, the Ambassador Mark Gitenstein has apreciated the remarkable results of Cernavoda NPP which have positioned the station in the top places among nuclear power plants worldwide. Thus, in 2009, Cernavoda NPP Unit 1 ocupied the first position in the top of CANDU nuclear power plants, with an average capacity factor of 100,1% and the 12 position among the 436 nucler reactors in operation.

In 2010, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Cernavoda NPP places itself on the first position in the 440 reactors worldwide due to its availability coeficient, of 93,5%.

In 2011, according to WANO statistics, which took into consideration 422 nuclear units in operation over the last three years, Unit 1 occupies the 5th position and Unit 2 – the 30th. As per the same statistics, Units 1 and 2 place themselves on the first position (Unit 1) and on the 7th position (Uit 2) in a total of 176 reactors in Europe.

These sustainable performances demonstrate the companies engagement towards efficiency and continous improvement, by strictly putting into practice the national and international safety standards. In this rescpect, Nuclearelectrica is viewed as a trustworthy partner, who respects its medium and long term engagements.

Ambassador Gitenstein added that:  “At a time when some European countries are freezing or abandoning plans for more nuclear energy, Romania has remained committed to staying on the leading edge of nuclear technology.  The high technical competence of Romania’s nuclear energy industry will insure that it succeeds.  The companies present here today have been involved in all aspects of the nuclear industry for many years, and come to Romania as peers for an exchange between professionals.”

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