
26 Jan


Amended convening notice of the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting of SNN Shareholders of 02.03.2018

The convening notice of the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting of SNN Shareholders of 02.03.2018

Regulation on organizing and conducting the general meetings of shareholders of Societatea Nationala “Nuclearelectrica” S.A.


Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

Item 2: The approval of the Revenues and Expenses budget for 2018.

Annex 1 – Income and expenses budget for 2018

Annex 2 – Breakdown of the economic and financial indicators provided in the income and expenditures budget and distribution per quarters

Annex 4 – Investment program, facilities and financing

Annex 4.1 – List of facilities position for 2018


Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

Item 2: The approval of the proposals for the amendment of the Articles of Incorporation of the Company presented in the Annex to the current Convening notice.

Punctul 3 – Solicitare de completare a ordinii de zi transmisa de actionarul majoritar, Ministerul Energiei


General powers of attorney

General power of attorney for individual shareholders OGMS – click here

General power of attorney for legal person shareholders OGMS – click here

General power of attorney for individual shareholders EGMS – click  here

General power of attorney for legal person shareholders EGMS – click here


Special powers of attorney

Special power of attorney for individual shareholders OGMS  – click here

Special power of attorney for legal person shareholders OGMS  – click here

Special power of attorney for the individual shareholder for EGMS (amended agenda)  –click  here

Special power of attorney for the legal person shareholder for EGMS (amended agenda) –  click here


Correspondence ballots

Correspondence ballot for individual shareholders for OGMS   – click here

Correspondence ballot for legal person shareholders for OGMS  – click here

Correspondence ballot for individual shareholders for EGMS (amended agenda)  – click here

Correspondence ballot for legal person shareholders for EGMS (amended agenda) – click here


Resolution drafts

OGMS resolution draft

EGMS resolution draft (amended agenda)



OGMS resolution no.3/02.03.2018

EGMS resolution no. 4/02.03.2018

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